
Golden Retriever

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Winnipesaukee's Golden Lex

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Winnipesaukee's Golden Lex (AKC SA268312 (9/68))
Chablis Titian Boyd (AKC SA254445 (4/70))
Morning Star Of Fairview (AKC SA251289 (4/66))
Cragmount's Victor Of Ranee (AKC SA078242 (7/1964))
Cragmount's Rusty (AKC SA078241 (11/64))
Am. CH. Prince Of Ranee (AKC S993976 (5/1960))
Eng. CH. Simon of Westley (Other KCSB 786AM)
Nicola Of Westley
Shandy of Westley
Sandman of Westley
Prunella of Westley
Fordhouse Sheila of Westley
Lindy's Sarah of Westley < Sarah Of Westley (Other KCSB 702AU (1962))
Spencer of Westley
Sandam of Westley
Silas Of Westley
Golden Ranee Of Staunton
Am. CH. Ginwal's Carved Gold (AKC S917911 (4/61))
Ginwal's Kerry Dancer (AKC S964705 (2/60))
Am. CH. Ginwal's Hi-Flyer SDHF (AKC S917912 (11/59))
Am. CH. Joel Of Claymyr SDHF (AKC S-610937)
Kitra Of Claymyr (AKC S610939 (10/55))
Mariner of Claymyr (AKC S610941 (5/59))
Ginwal's Miss Muffet (AKC S390368 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Town Crier (AKC S369842 (5/1950))
Am. CH. Ginwal's Butcher Boy (AKC S369843 (5/1950))
Ginwal's Doctor Dan (AKC S390362 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Go-Fetch (AKC S390364 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Golden Sandy (AKC S390360 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Howdy Doody (AKC S390361 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Kandie (AKC S390365 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Little Miss Marker (AKC S390366 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Miss Polly (AKC S390367 (9/1950))
Ginwal's Raggedy Andy (AKC S390363 (9/1950))
Jo-Dee's Sandy (AKC SA197509 (7/1964))
Am. CH. Jo-Dee's Golden Sun Spray CD (AKC SA195144 (1/68))
High Farms Jo-Dees Sherpa (AKC SA197510 (7/1965))
Am. CH. Jodee's Freshfield Storm King (AKC SA187575 (7-66))
Am. CH. Jo-Dee's Tawny Twister (AKC SA201425 (4/1966))
Am CH Cragmount's Peter OS SDHF (AKC SA031166 (4/63))
Am. CH. Finderne Gold Cloud Of Kent OS SDHF (AKC S-872044)
Am. CH. Finderne Bonfire Of Kent (AKC S872040 (11/1960))
Am. CH. Finderne Misty Of Kent (AKC S-872041 (12/1961))
Finderne Beaucatcher Of Kent (AKC S872043 (4/61))
Am. CH. Finderne Gold Missy Of Kent (AKC S872039 (7/1959))
Finderne Amber Of Kent (AKC S872037 (10/59))
Goldendoor Taffy (AKC S727634 (5/1960))
AmCH Goldendoor Corn (AKC S727627 (10/1957))
Goldendoor Broome (AKC S727630 (2/58))
Am. CH. Jo-Dee's Misty Day Of High Farms OD (AKC SA-030937-5/63)
High Farms Daysman (AKC SA049756 (8/62))
High Farms Day V Jones (AKC SA031487 (9/1965))
High Farms Day Dream (AKC SA034569 (3/1962))
Am. CH. Golden Band of High Farms WC OS (AKC S894074 (12/58))
Meadow Creek Rip of High Farms ***
High Farms Golden Satinwood ** (AKC SA036574 (9/63))
Am. CH. Lucky Penny of High Farms (AKC S894072 (11/1960))
High Farms Golden Linden (AKC SA31190 (10/1962))
High Farm's Bittersweet (AKC SA114355 (5/62))
High Farms Teakwood * (AKC SA191236 (11/1963))
Am. CH. Golden Scot of High Farms ** DDHF (AKC SA038539 (8/62))
Titania of High Farms (AKC S866897 (5/60))
Desdemona Of High Farms (AKC S866895 (10/61))
Venus of High Farms (AKC S866896 (2/1959))
Petruchio Of High Farms (AKC S866893 (4-60))

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