
Golden Retriever

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Jasara N Aragon The Birth Of Venus

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Jasara N Aragon The Birth Of Venus (AKC SS11869403)
Jasara n Aragon's Evening With Friends @ Sharmik (AKC SS11869402)
Jasara N Aragon Monet For Nothin' (AKC SS11869401)
Aragon & Jasara Starry Night (AKC SS11869404)
Aragon & Jasara The Girl With The Pearl Earring (AKC SS11869407)
AM/MEX/AMS/WC CH Sheffield-Ducat's Spellbound SDHF, OS (AKC SN211940/01)
Sheffield-Ducat's Rebecca (AKC SN211940/06)
Ducat-Sheffield N X NW CD (AKC SN211940/07)
Ducat's Sheffield's Saboteur
Am. CH Sheffield-Ducat's Suspicion JH (AKC SN211940/04)
BIS BISS Am Can CH Signature's Natural Wonder OS SDHF CGC TT (AKC SM79134703 (9/93))
Signature's One Der Full (AKC SF973334)
Sunshine Hill's Hubba-Hubba (AKC SN16342503)
Signature Shining Star (AKC SN163425/01)
Am. CH. Sunshine Hill's Nat'l Cowboy OS SDHF (AKC SF672612 (7/90))
Am CH Goldenbear Inky Dink (AKC SF539320)
Am CH Signature's Sound Sensation OD (AKC SE851842 (12/89))
Am. Ch. Signature's Sound Of Victory (AKC SE-863795)
Am. CH Signature's Sounds Of Spring (AKC SE-941680)
Am. CH Signature's Sounds-A-Hoppin' CD SDHF (AKC SE-941678)
Signature's Sound Of Music CD OD (AKC SE856621)
Am CH Signature's Sound Barrier OS (Other RG-06913/91-O)
Signature's Ain't No Angel (AKC SM91707601)
Signature Looks Like N Angel (AKC SM91707602)
Signature's Almost An Angel (AKC SM91707603)
Am CH Ducat's Fortune in Gold CDX SH WC VCX (Unknown SM975964/07)
Ducat's Wheel Of Fortune (AKC SM975964/02)
Ducat's Fortune Cookie (SM975964/01)
Ducat's Fortune Teller JH WC (AKC SM97596403)
BISS Am CH Asterling Go Getm Gangbuster OS SDHF (AKC SE219851 (5/87))
Am./Can. CH. Asterlings Ghostbuster (AKC SE227965)
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS (AKC SE372337 (11/86))
Am CH Asterlings Stardust Buster OD (AKC SE241705)
Am CH Asterling's Just Buster Loose CD OD (AKC SE237198 (12/87))
Am. CH Asterling's Trust Buster CD (AKC SE-239985)
Am. CH Asterlings Filly Buster (AKC SE-325955)
Ducat Lobi-Tatum's Hot Shot OD (AKC SF027739 (11-89))
Sharmik's White Diamond Nights @ Jasara (AKC SR93807002)
Sharmik's Seductive (AKC SR93807001)
Am. CH. Ducat Watermark Thnkful 4 Teddy Bear BOSVISS (AKC SR47376503)
Ducat Watermark Cornucopia Of Hearts (AKC SR47376508)
Ducat Watermark Stonecroft A Taste Of Autumn (AKC SR47376504)
DucatWatermarkdiamondsragirlsbestfriendatparkwood RA (AKC SR47376502)
Watermark Ducat Annabell (AKC SR47376505)
Ducat Watermark's Cash (AKC SR47376506)
Ducat Watermark Cody's Pumpkin Pie (AKC SR47376509)
Ducat Watermark Macon Cheese (AKC SR47376507)
Watermark Ducat Thanksgiving Parade (AKC SR47376501)
BISS Am Can Ch Pulali's Stetson Fits OS SDHF (AKC SN677028/03)
Pulali's Northwest Pride (AKC SN67702804 (9-03))
Pulali's Pursuit of Perfection (AKC SN677028/02)
Pulali's Just Imagine (AKC SN67702806)
Pulali's Americas Pasttime (AKC SN67702805)
Pulali's The Real Thing (AKC SN67702807)
Pulali'sgreatststuffonearth (AKC SN67702808)
CH Ducat Watermark's Home Brew (AKC SR07251302)
Ducat-Watermark's Bayou Baby (AKC SR07251303)
Ducat-Watermark Rocket Redgl CD OA OAJ (AKC SR07251301)
Ducat-Watermark Princess Grace (AKC SR07251304)
Ducat-Watermark Geddy (AKC SR07251305)
Sharmik's Sneakin' Under Fences (AKC SR72923101)
Sharmik's Best Defence
AKC CH, UKC CH Sharmik's Paradise @ Harvestime RN CGC THDX (AKC SR67941002)
GCH CH Sharmik's Forever Paradise BISS (AKC SR67941001)
UKC Ch. Sharmik's She's Everything (AKC SR61799201)

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