
Golden Retriever

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Goldentail's Angel Sarakael

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Goldentail's Angel Sarakael (FCI DRC-G 1940981)
SE VCH Oxundas Unusual Unwyn
Livsglädjens Gyllene Sorbus Salex (S60276/2004)
Ringmaster Nimbus (S32792/2001)
Hit's My True Love (S47318/2000)
Hit's Miracle Of Love (Other SwedKC # S47315/200)
Sörbäcks Happy New Year Palma (SE16207/2011)
LP I Goldzack Tom Jones (FCI S18152/2005)
Goldzack Jerry Williams (FCI S18149/2005)
Goldzack Bonnie Tyler (FCI S18150/2005)
Goldzack Annie Lennox (FCI S18151/2005)
Goldzack Dolly Parton (FCI S18153/2005)
Goldzack Bette Midler
Goldzack Judy Garland (FCI S63900/2006)
Goldzack Marlon Brando (FCI S63903/2006)
Goldzack Kirk Douglas (FCI S63905/2006)
Goldzack John Wayne (FCI S63901/2006)
Goldzack Cary Grant (FCI S63902/2006)
Goldzack Fred Astaire (FCI S63904/2006)
Goldzack James Dean (FCI S63906/2006)
Goldzack Dean Martin (FCI S63907/2006)
Sorbacks Tiptop Tilda (FCI S35950/2002)
SE VCH Goldentail's Friendly Zamira (FCI ?SE56396/2013)
SE VCH Sorbacks Colourful Quatro (FCI SE48432/2011)
Oxundas Regal Randy (FCI S22717/2007)
Sorbacks Always Remember Him Katja (S36408/2008)
Goldentail's Lady Filippa (S60766/2008)
SE VCH SE U(U)CH Giddygold Match Dali Svensk VildtsporChampion (Other DK 13317/2006)
Giddygold Match Ginger Rogers (Other DKK 13321/2006)
Giddygold Match Marilyn Monroe
Goldentail's Clever Chelsey (FCI S46731/2004)

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