
Golden Retriever

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The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Ch Co.Lib.Ve.JCo.JVe Ag Golden Age Pablito Milanes [7.5 years]
Col CH/ Am CH. Ag-Golden Age Porto Alegre OS [8 years]
Multi Biss,Col/Mex/Chi/Arg Ch, Gr.Ch.Pan, Ch.Pan Chaw Kemp Mulder Golden Friend Forever
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder [9.5 years]
Am CH Nautilus Vanilla Ice OS
Am CH Nautilus White Cliffs Winner
Br CH&GCH/ Pam Am CH. La Vie Rose of Sunrise Story
BIS Gr.Ch.Pan.Braz. Rockefeller Chopper [7.5 years]
Col CH. Ag-Golden Age Genoveva of Nambija [13 years]
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF [9 years]
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon [13.5 years]
Ch.Ec./Ch.Col./VJAC Just Do It D'Euramerika
Ec CH. Touchstones Heart of Nambija
Mult. BIS & BISS Am/Can CH. Asterling's Wild Blue Yonder OS SDHF CGC [9.5 years]
Touchstones Carrera Wooh Me
Col CH. Ag-Golden Age Azucena de Villaflor
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF [9 years]
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon [13.5 years]
Ven CH. Allegro Gorca's One Way
Gorca's Murder She Wrote [7.5 years]
Ch.Ec./Ch.Col./VJAC Just Do It D'Euramerika
PeCh. EcuCh. Allegro's Faera D'Euramerika
EcuCh. ColCh. GCR.PR. Faera-Tainsh Rumor Has It
Golden Age Melibea of The Autumn
Ec CH. Touchstone's Ms Understanding
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF [8.5 years]
Am. CH. Touchstone's Betchuana Cancan
The Golden Autumn Dakota
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon [13.5 years]
Ch. Col The Golden Autumn Anna
Golden San Martin Georgina
CH. CO Golden Trip Come Fly With Me
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit
Br GCH CH Ar Pan CH Golden Trip Life's a Beach [6 years]
Pan GCH CH Int Br Ur CH Woodspoint Bo Zack
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street
WW'04 Multi Mini BIS Golden Trip's Victory Never Ends [14 years]
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder [9.5 years]
BISS Can Int Arg Br Pan CH Golden Trip's First Victoria [13.5 years]
Bussad Cameron Diaz
Ch.Braz,Ch.Pan Golden Trip's Farouck El Kubar
Pan GCH CH Int Br Ur CH Woodspoint Bo Zack
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street
Col CH Girasol Macadamia Brittle
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Ch. Col. Golden Age Gorca Nina Ricci
Golden San Martin fiona
Renzo San Martin de Jayja
Ch. Col. Gr. Col,Cu. Gr Cu Casflor Giorgio Armani
BR CH Nautilus Love At First Sight
Sandpipers Aadorable Rose
Casflor Bailey's Irish Cream
Am CH Fargolds Troubadour At Devoe
Ch. Co Woodspoint Hellita
Melisa San Martin De Jayja
Ch. Col. The Golden Autumn Marco
BISS Am-Can CH Goodtime's A Step Ahead OS
Foxboro Menage Daniella
Cristel de San Martin
Golden Age Gorca's Trancon
Agatha Del Lago

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