
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Am. Ch. Daybreak Varsity Jump OS (10/5/1998-5/6/2008)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Miss Surely Shirley Of Fox Hollow:

Our Miss Brijit That's B-R-I-J-I-T (3/5/2006-) [OFA GR-95907F27F-PI]

Out of Drew Woods Triple Play:

Drew Woods Hallie Of Wells CD RE (8/1/2004-)

Out of Tricon's Wondrous Woosalita:

Ozymandius (2/18/2002-) [OFA GR-92779F62M-PI]

Out of Karousel Belles of Ireland JH, WC:

Gold'Ntch Say Goodnight Gracie (5/6/2007-)

Out of Meredreme's Miss American Pie:

Goldensand I Will Always Luv U (4/18/2004-) [OFA GR-89786G24F-PI]

Out of CH April's Under the Cherry Moon:

April's Bobbing For Apples (8/1/2007-)
April's Raspberry Beret (8/1/2007-) [OFA GR-99647E27F-VPI]
April's Peaches N Kream (8/1/2007-) [OFA GR-99648E27F-VPI]

Out of Cabochon's We Love Lucy CCA:

Cabochon's All That Jazz CCA (1/13/2004-2/10/2015) [OFA GR-90450G29F-PI]

Out of Am. CH Gower's Scentimental Journey BOVISS:

Amica's Too Hot To Handle (3/10/2007-)
Am CH Amica Mocha Java Joe OD (3/10/2007-6/21/2016) [OFA GR-97836G24F-VPI]
Amica's Indominable Will (3/10/2007-)

Out of Granite Gold Gibson Girl:

Granite Gold It's Party Time (1/5/2005-12/3/2014) [OFA GR-91966G24M-PI ]
Granite Gold Here For The Party (1/5/2005-) [OFA GR91985G24F-PI]
Granite Gold Blonde Party Girl (1/5/2005-) [OFA GR-92841G28F-NOPI]

Out of Amador Snicker Doodle:

Amador Sunshine On My Shoulder CD RE (12/9/2003-)

Out of Gold Hill Maw Barker:

Gold Hill's Flower Power OD (3/25/2006-) [OFA GR-95440G24F-VPI]

Out of Am. CH Monogram's Cash Advance:

Forum's Cherry On Top (4/2/2007-)

Out of Sunwind Melody You Move Me:

Sunwind's One And Only (3/13/2004-)
Pine Creek Moved By You (10/12/2004-) [OFA GR-92024G28F-PI]

Out of CH Cherush's Poppin Up At Park Place RN:

CH. Cherush's Tom-Tombigbee BISS (11/29/2007-) [OFA GR-99856G24M-VPI]
Cherush's BeeBoppin' On The Buttahatchee (11/29/2007-10/28/2022) [OFA GR-100289G26F-VPI]
Cherush's Chickasaw Made (11/29/2007-)

Out of Ch. Gold Hill Second That Emotion:

Gold Hill Let's Get It On (5/13/2007-) [OFA GR-99803G31F-VPI]
Gold Hill N Keystone Georgia on My Mind (5/13/2007-2/18/2019)

Out of Faera's Twin Beauty:

Colonial's Secret Garden (7/8/2006-) [OFA GR-96241E24F-VPI]
Colonial's Magic Garden (7/8/2006-) [OFA GR-96240G24F-VPI]

Out of Am./Can. CH. Crystal Glen Waiting In The Wings CD OD:

CH Crystal Glens As You Like CD RE AX AXJ (2/5/2004-)

Out of Braeside Game Set Match:

Goodsports Deja Boo (5/10/2004-) [OFA GR-92800F24F-PI]
Goodsports Just For Kicks (6/6/2003-)
Goodsports The Dubliner (6/6/2003-)
Goodsports One O'clock Jump (6/6/2003-)
Ch Goodsports Boca Grande (6/6/2003-)

Out of Forever Shields First Vintage:

Forever Shields My Heart (9/29/2003-8/8/2017)

Out of Masters Futura West In Time OD:

Masters Just Mad About You CD BN RE TDX JH CCA WC VC (5/8/2006-) [OFA GR-96772F29F-VPI]

Out of Goldruls U Got Sumthin' There TD SH CCA VC OD:

Goldruls Brake The Bank (11/16/2007-10/4/2020)

Out of Starstruck Chilkoot Pebbles CD, CGC:

Chilkoot Pebbles' Gemstone CGC, RN (2/19/2004-3/23/2016)

Out of Am.Ch. Starfire Kala B Yond Belief OD:

CH Starfire Saga's Kissing Bandit (4/14/2006-2/25/2017)
Starfire's One True Kiss (4/14/2006-)
Am CH Starfire's Gangster of Love (4/14/2006-) [OFA GR-95446F24M-PI]

Out of CH Cloverdale Barefoot Contessa:

Valentine Quintessential (7/22/2003-) [OFA GR-87143G24F-PI]

Out of Buckeye Stand up and Cheer:

Buckeye Varsity Cheer (12/5/2006-)

Out of BVISS Am/Can Ch. Dalane Painting Teen Angel CCA CGC TDI:

Painting's Pillar of Strength CCA CGC TDI (9/13/2007-)
BISS Ch Painting Look At Life BVSS CCA (9/13/2007-) [OFA GR-99157G24M-VPI]

Out of Classy Willow The Windcatcher:

Classy Ellah Rose OA AXJ CCA (11/29/2002-) [OFA GR-87002G31F-PI]
Classy Sassy's Steppin' Out (11/29/2002-) [OFA GR-84751G24F-PI]

Out of Am/Can CH Snobird's Abby Road:

Snobird's Shogirl From the Copa (9/3/2005-2012) [OFA GR-93747E24F-PI]
Can. CH. Snobird's Weekend N Newengland (9/3/2005-) [OFA GR-93750G24F-PI]

Out of Windstar's Dream Weaver:

Bartlet's Cove Jazzy Lady (4/12/2003-)

Out of LazyDaze Sky's The Limit:

Ch LazyDaze Shop 'Til You Drop (8/28/2002-) [OFA GR-86478F32F-PI]

Out of Comstock's Max's Parizade:

Ch Comstock's Fire Opal (5/16/2003-6/5/2015) [OFA GR-8639F24F-PI]
Comstock's Cool Cullen (5/16/2003-11/20/2010) [OFA GR-89792F35M-PI]

Out of CanCH Hearthside's Hidden Ticket:

Hearthside Maine Treasure (1/5/2004-)
Littlecountry Made In Maine (1/5/2004-)
Goldworks Downeaster (1/5/2004-)

Out of Belleville Call the Wind Mariah:

Belleville's Cast a Spell (10/30/2001-3/24/2013) [OFA GR-82141F26M-PI]

Out of Belleville's Down East Dory:

Bonny Brae's Scottish Pipes (9/17/2003-) [OFA GR-87947G24F-PI]
Bonny Braes Scottish Spice (4/6/2004-2/25/2015) [OFA GR-89608G24F-PI]

Out of Edgehill Bedtime Story:

Bella D'Oro Edgehill Sugaree (1/24/2003-) [OFA GR-88875G35F-PI]

Out of Ch Cloverdale Cloud Nine:

Cloverdale Sweet Talker (1/20/2006-) [OFA GR-96668F32-VPI]
Cloverdale's Spring Fling (1/20/2006-)
Cloverdale LazyDaze Glen Erin (1/20/2006-)
Cloverdale Blue Denim (1/20/2006-) [OFA GR-96741F32M-PI]

Out of AmCH Goldtrak Steelecreek Sorbet:

Rockwall's Eat A Peach CCA (1/8/2005-)
Rockwall's Cornerstone (1/8/2005-)

Out of BOSS CH Camlin's Clearwater Crossing BISS, BVISS:

CH Camlin's R U For Real (9/8/2005-5/18/2018) [OFA GR-93997G25M-PI]

Out of CH Profiles Winter Storm CD:

Profiles Nor-Easter (12/12/2005-)

Out of LittleCountry Abbey Road:

LittleCountry Power Quest (12/1/2003-) [OFA GR-88440G25F-PI]
LittleCountry Power Player (12/1/2003-)

Out of SunChase Darma's Deja Voodo:

Darma's Cody Jump The Gun (2/22/2004-) [OFA GR-94015G43M-PI]
Darma SunChase Jumpin' Jehosaphat (2/22/2004-)
Darma White Girl Can't Jump (2/22/2004-) [OFA GR-89085G24F-PI]
Darma's Josie Jumped Bail (2/22/2004-)

Out of Am/Can CH Domans SunChase U Snews U Lose:

SunChase Godiva Too Qd An Attitude CD (4/10/2003-)
SunChase Gleem In My Eyes (4/10/2003-)
SunChase Closeup-N-Personal (4/10/2003-7/5/2012) [OFA GR-86600F25F-PI]
Ch SunChase Ultra-Brite Not (4/10/2003-3/23/2013) [OFA GR-86188G24M-NOPI]

Out of Can. Ch Bona Fide Gldwk My Lil Margie JH WC CGC:

Goldworks Ali Ka Zam (11/30/2003-) [OFA GR-88932G26F-PI]
Can. Ch. Goldworks-Klaasem Hocus Pocus (11/30/2003-) [OFA GR-88912G26F-PI]

Out of Sunkozi Margorita Can OD:

Can.Ch. Sunkozi Jump n Jive (9/26/2004-3/25/2016) [OVC-0031073]

Out of Glorytime's For All At Tillage:

Sunshine's Northern Light (1/13/2006-11/22/2013)
Sunshine's Varsity Vixen (1/13/2006-)

Out of CH Amberglo's Amazing Grace:

Am Ch Artemis Material Girl (6/27/2003-) [OFA GR-91396F40F-PI]

Out of Edgehill Keep The Home Fire Burnin:

Edgehill Gentlemen Jack (2/10/2003-) [OFA GR-85799G25M-PI]

Out of Ch. Cloverdale Lazydaze Just Desserts:

AmCH Goodsports Just A-Dior-Able (6/26/2004-) [OFA GR-92758G24F-PI]

Out of CH Shilo's Waiting To Excel OD:

Shilo's Litl Bit Country (9/13/2007-8/2018) [OFA GR-99341F24F-PI]
Am/Can CH. Shilo's Litl Bit Rock and Roll (9/13/2007-10/12/2021) [OFA GR-99536F24M-VPI]

Out of Karousel Gaelic Belle:

CH Karousel's Danny Boy (3/30/2002-3/30/2009)
Karousel's Celtic Cooler (3/30/2002-) [OFA GR-83075F24F-PI]

Out of BIS Can. Ch. Prospectors Klaasem Ooh La La:

Klaasem What Legends R Made Of (7/30/2004-)
Klaasems R You Ready To Rumble (7/30/2004-)
Prospector Klaasem U R The One (7/30/2004-)
BIS/BISS Can./Am. Ch. Klaasem's Zoom Zoom Zoom Can. SDHF, Can./Am. OS (3/8/2003-10/12/2012) [OFA GR-86124G25M-PI]
BIS Am/Can Ch Klaasem's Hubba Hubba Hubba OS SDHF (3/8/2003-7/26/2012) [OFA GR-85841G24M-PI OVC 0024981]
Klaasem's Yadda Yadda Yadda (3/8/2003-)

Out of BISS CH Goldstorm Trail To Stardom OD:

U-CH Goldstorm Reach for the Stars CD BN GN RA THD CGC (7/27/2005-)
UKC CH Goldstorm Shake Rattle N Roll (7/27/2005-) [OFA GR-93870F25F-PI]
Goldstorm's Irrestible Force RE (7/27/2005-)
Goldstorm Tucson's Shake'M Up Lily (7/27/2005-9/11/2013)
CH Goldstorm Spirits Shakn Not Stird BOSS CGC (7/27/2005-9/26/2014) [OFA GR-94001F26F-PI]
CH Goldstorm Shake Down The Thunder (7/27/2005-9/27/2016)

Out of Golden Endeavors Abracadabra CCA:

Endeavors Aint No Bugs On Me CD RN CCA (10/5/2003-) [OFA GR-88646G26F-PI]

Out of Am CH Aim-Hi With Flying Colours SDHF:

CH Aim-Hi's Pot O' Gold OD (3/17/2006-2/11/2017) [OFA GR-95409G25F-VPI]
BISS Am/Can CH Aim Hi 4 Aileron's Irish RATI RATO CGC (3/17/2006-7/31/2016) [OFA GR-98153G36F-VPI]

Out of CH Goldstorm Saga Wild Wild Best CD RA TD CGC:

BOSS GCH CH Saga West Hunter's Moon SDHF OS (4/21/2003-9/7/2014) [OFA GR-86203G24M-PI]
Saga's Western Spice Girl (4/21/2003-5/22/2014) [OFA GR-86200G24F-PI]
Saga Goldstorm Western Legacy (4/21/2003-7/2011) [OFA GR-86379G24F-PI]
Saga's Wild West Show (4/21/2003-)

Out of Gemstar's Sweetest Taboo CCA:

Backgammon Gemstar Goodbye Time (9/28/2005-) [OFA GR-95266F30M-PI]

Out of Daybreak Wedgwood Fool N Luv:

Ch Wedgwood Daybreak I Luv New York (11/6/2001-11/12/2014) [OFA GR-82721F28M-NOPI]
Daybreak Wedgwood G I Pin Up Girl (11/6/2001-)

Out of Valleygold's Valley Girl:

Valleygold Tv The Big Valley (3/15/2005-)
Valleygold Tv Gunsmoke (3/15/2005-)
Valleygold TV Bonanza (3/15/2005-) [OFA GR-92429F24M-PI]

Out of Ryvawin Spirit of the Wind:

Francalia The Power Of One SH, WCX (6/21/2003-9/23/2012)

Out of Ch Summit Goldstorm Move Over Girls:

CH Goldstorm Pardon Me Boys OD (7/5/2002-6/14/2012) [OFA GR-86428F34F-PI]
Goldstorm Tribute To The Boys (7/5/2002-)
Goldstorm Goldance Boys-R-Us (7/5/2002-) [OFA GR-85508G31F-PI]

Out of Am.CH. Voyager's Images of Autumn TD AX OAJ CGC:

Jacaranda's Snow Lion (3/18/2004-3/30/2007)
CH Jacaranda's Lion's Share TD, CCA, CGC, Cert.Therapy Dog (3/18/2004-8/5/2012) [OFA GR-91372G32M-PI GOOD]
Jacaranda's Lion King CCA (3/18/2004-9/9/2012)
Jacaranda's I'm Relion On U CGC, CCA, Certified Therapy Dog (3/18/2004-10/2/2011) [OFA GR89217G24F-PI Good]

Out of U-Ag1 Merigold Saric's Sizzlin' Hot:

Saric's Klondike Gold (10/8/2003-)
Saric's Land of Midnight Sun (10/8/2003-)
Sarie's Alyeska Forget-Me-Not (10/8/2003-)

Out of Can. Ch. Hearthside Day Break Of Starhill:

Starhill's RedHot Chili Pepper (7/4/2007-2/20/2017) [OFA GR-98667G24F-VPI]
Am. CH. Starhill Daybreak Director's Cut (5/8/2005-8/31/2017) [OFA GR-92893F24F-PI]
Can. Ch. Starhill Tangled Up In Blue (5/8/2005-1/2/2018) [OFA GR-93218F26M-PI]
Starhill Coming Around Again (5/8/2005-)

Out of Ch. Goldenwind Hailstorm OD BVISS:

CH Crescent's Tin Woodman CD RA NJP NAP THD CGC (6/16/2002-5/16/2012) [OFA GR-83297F24M-PI]
BISS CH Crescent O-Ee-Yah! Eoh-Ah! RN CGC OS (6/16/2002-4/18/2013) [OFA GR-83432G24M-PI]
Crescent I'll Get U My Pretty (6/16/2002-) [OFA GR-83546G24-PI]
Crescent Off To C The Wizard (6/16/2002-)

Out of Cherokee Heaven's Fire:

Cherokee Irish Heaven (1/22/2002-)
Cherokees Street Angel (1/22/2002-)

Out of Stonecroft Truly Madly Deeply:

Stonecroft Eye Candy (9/2/2003-) [OFA GR-89962F33F-PI]
Stonecroft American Eye-dol (9/2/2003-) [OFA GR-88494G28F-PI]
Stonecroft In the Blink of an Eye (9/2/2003-)
Stonecroft Enchanted Eyes CD RA NA OAJ NF (9/2/2003-7/15/2015) [OFA GR-88843G29F-PI]

Out of Tricon Madaket Sunset Joy:

Tricon Toast of the Town (3/12/2002-11/30/2012)
Tricon Nantucket Breeze Joy (3/12/2002-) [OFA GR-82707F25F-NOPI]

Out of CH O-Jay's Instant Replay:

O-Jay's Fast Forward (3/2/2003-) [OFA GR-86578G26F]

Out of CH O-Jay's Chrystal Clear:

O-Jay's Classic Crystal (9/6/2001-)
CH O-Jay's No Speed Limit (9/6/2001-)

Out of Am CH Quailwood Millenium Gold OD:

CH Quailwood Mountain Majesty (3/17/2005-11/18/2011)
Am GCH CH Quailwood Mountain Odessey OS (3/17/2005-8/5/2013) [OFA GR-92721G25M-PI]
Am. CH Quailwood Mountain Quest OS (3/17/2005-) [OFA GR-92753G25M-PI]

Out of Can CH. Afire's It's Now Or Never Can OD:

Afire's Rocket To My Heart (10/12/2003-) [OFA GR-87999G24F-PI]
Can. CH. Afire's Against All Odds SDHF (10/12/2003-6/30/2013) [OFA GR-87822F24M-PI]
Can. CH. Afire's Simply Irresistible (10/12/2003-) [OFA GR-87969G24F-PI]

Out of Am. Ch. MY Wochica Jill Went Up T'Hill BVISS, RN:

Inlet's Rising Star (10/28/2005-)
Am. Ch. Inlet's MY Sandpiper At Daybreak (10/28/2005-) [OFA GR-94408G25F-PI]
Inlet's Harry H (10/28/2005-)

Out of Woodwind's Dashwood Cricket CDX, OA, AXJ, WC, CGC, TDI, CCA, OD:

Woodwinds on Nikko Mountain CD RE OA AXJ CGC (4/22/2003-)
Woodwinds Hunky Dory (4/22/2003-)
Woodwind's Maizy Summer Dayz (4/22/2003-)
Woodwind's Daizee Amber Joy (4/22/2003-)
Woodwind's Scout'n About (4/22/2003-)

Out of Am. Ch. Cloverdale Boundn' Determnd:

Dashwood Determination (11/7/2002-11/25/2009) [OFA GR-84897F25F-PI]
Dashwood California Girl (11/7/2002-)
Dashwood Brooklyn's Best (11/7/2002-2/16/2012) [OFA GR84791F24F-PI]
Dashwood I'm So Sexy Hyvallee (11/7/2002-5/14/2011)
Dashwoods Vineyard Timbre (11/7/2002-)
Ch. Dashwood Boldn' Determnd (11/7/2002-5/31/2012)

Out of Am. Ch. Tangleloft Absolute Divine:

Am. CH Tangleloft Absolutely Crangold OS (9/22/2001-8/14/2012) [OFA GR-81592G24M-PI]
Am./Can. CH. Crangold Absolutely Irresistible (9/22/2001-3/31/2014) [OFA GR-82681F30F-PI]
Crangold Absolutely Sir Spencer (9/22/2001-)
CH Crangold Day Break All That Jazz (2/18/2003-11/21/2017) [OFA GR-87901G32F-PI]
Crangold Yukon She's All That (2/18/2003-) [OFA GR-86409G26F-PI]
Crangold All American (2/18/2003-) [OFA GR-89293F37M-PI]
Tangleloft Crangold Spittin' Image (9/22/2001-) [OFA GR-81682G28F-PI]

Out of Am. CH. Crangold Touch of Elegance BPIS, OD:

Am./Can. CH. Crangold Clearwater on Cruz Bay (5/28/2002-11/18/2014) [OFA GR-83385G24M-PI]
Crangold Waikiki On The Beach (5/28/2002-12/21/2015) [OFA GR-83395G24F-PI]
Shor'Line Come Sail Away NA, NAJ, OJP, AJP, CGC (1/12/2003-11/16/2013) [OFA GR-85423G24F-PI]

Out of Can. Ch. Mariner Moving To A New Place JH WCX CGC:

Am-Can. Ch. Muscongus Sky's Shining Sun CDX RE TD CGC (5/19/2004-7/13/2017) [OFA GR-89808G24M-PI]
LittleCountry Sea Breeze (3/9/2003-)
Muscongus Bright Sky (5/19/2004-)
Muscongus Sea Spirit (3/9/2003-) [OFA GR-86620G26F-PI]

Out of Am. CH Sunkota's Spring Flora:

Sugarland Sunkota Fall'oWin Thru (9/28/2002-)
Sugarland's's Leaf Erickson

Out of Starquest BCHWD Central Perk:

GoodSports Chock Full O' Nuts (4/28/2004-)
CanCH GoodSports How You Doin'? (4/28/2004-) [OFA GR-91268F29M-PI]

Out of Tricon Here Come Wyndee:

Tricon My Irish Molly-O (8/17/2002-)
Tricon Willow Of The Wynd (4/5/2003-) [OFA GR-86638F26F-NOPI]
Tricon Glengold Gust O Wynd (4/5/2003-)
Tricon Lilee of the Valley (8/17/2002-)

Out of CH Sunnyglen's Northern Light:

Greatbrooks Kristil Magnolia (7/7/2002-)

Out of Am/Can CH Karousel Irish Crystal:

Karousel 's Bit O'Gold (4/14/2002-5/8/2012) [OFA GR-83212F25F-PI]
Can CH Karousel Celtic Charm (4/14/2002-11/2013)
CH Karousel Celtic Tradition (4/14/2002-) [OFA GR-82868G24M-PI]
Karousel Gaelic Pride (4/14/2002-2012)
Karousel Gaelic Serenade (4/14/2002-3/2/2012) [OFA GR-82880G24F-PI]

Out of CH Aubridge Garden Angel OD:

Aubridge Just Can't Myth (2/9/2002-)
Ch. Aubridge Famemyth At Saffron CGC (2/9/2002-2/2006) [OFA GR-81915G24M-NOPI]
Phil. HOF/Am Ch Aubridge Make No Myth Take SDHF (2/9/2002-2/14/2012) [OFA GR-81863G24M-PI]
Aubridge Myth America (2/9/2002-) [OFA GR-81914G24F-PI]
Ch. Aubridge Prom Myth Me (2/9/2002-) [OFA GR-81862G24F-PI]
Ch. Aubridge Seven Oaks Myth Elle (2/9/2002-) [OFA GR-83104F26F-PI]
Aubridge Mything Link (2/9/2002-)

Out of CH. Lookout's Treasure Don't Look Now:

Treasure's Living On The Edge (7/31/2003-8/23/2013)

Out of Greatbrook's Foolish Pride CD:

Greatbrook's Federal Offence (3/29/2002-9/28/2012)

Out of CH Goldtrak That Girl On Strike CD OD:

Ch Goldtrak Chorister (12/3/2001-) [OFA GR-82888F28M-PI]

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