
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Am. CH. Feather Fetch Tucker (6/7/1951-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Feather Fetch Mary Lou:

Feather Fetch Lady Freckles (7/7/1960-)
Feather Fetch Mitzie Minx (7/7/1960-)

Out of Feather Fetch Lady Nell:

Feather Fetch Lady Gail (11/8/1956-)
Feather Fetch Lola Lee (11/8/1956-)
Feather Fetch Randy Rue (11/8/1956-)

Out of Molly Of Roby Hill:

Tweenfield's Tobias (6/20/1954-)

Out of Misty (S437933):

Leewood's Golden Lively Lady (1/23/1954-)
Leewood's Golden Duke Of York (9/9/1954-)

Out of Dona's Golden Glow:

Dona's Rob Roy (3/26/1956-)
Dona's Jewel (3/26/1956-)

Out of Feather Fetch Gay Lady:

Feather Fetch Pam (1/2/1954-)
Feather Fetch Gail (1/2/1954-)

Out of Featherquest Chip's Splinter:

Featherquest Harvester (5/26/1953-)

Out of Feather Fetch Katie Dee:

Feather Fetch Cindy Tucker (4/18/1959-)
Feather Fetch Starfire Rip (4/13/1960-)
Feather Fetch Cameo Candy (4/13/1960-)
Feather Fetch Royal Russett (4/13/1960-)
Feather Fetch Sunset Lady (4/18/1959-)

Out of Kingoldrum Zika:

Golden Boy Sand (11/6/1954-)
Kingoldrum Syerebraw (11/6/1954-)

Out of Cinder of Nashoba:

Feather Fetch Rudy (6/22/1953-)

Out of Glen De Fir's Golden Dawn Sedar:

Glen De Fir's Golden Aura (9/13/1953-)
Glen De Fir's Golden Annie (9/13/1953-)
Glen De Fir's Golden Ace (9/13/1953-)
Glen De Fir's Golden Bufi (5/4/1954-)
Glen De Fir's Golden Bang CD (5/4/1954-)
Glen de Fir's Golden Aggie (9/13/1953-)
Glen De Fir's Golden Astor (9/13/1953-)
Glen De Fir's Golden Amber (9/13/1953-)

Out of Edge Hill's Champagne:

Golden Taffy Of Sebago Sands (6/29/1960-)

Out of Isle of Gold Maid Marianne:

Golden Merrily Of Samadare (3/16/1962-)

Out of Stonehill Golden Gaiety:

Sunbonnet Sue Of Hillcrest CD

Out of Sailor's Lucky Charm:

Am. CH. Feather Fetch Bruce Boy (9/17/1955-)
Feather Fetch Gypsy Gay (9/17/1955-)

Out of Am. CH. Clover Of Nashoba:

Dallas Of Nashoba (1/1/1954-)
Dagmar Of Nashoba (1/1/1954-)

Out of Jay Hill Josephine:

Jay Hill Josephine's Folly (4/4/1954-)

Out of Featherquest Golden Sprite:

Featherquest Judy (5/10/1953-)
Featherquest Golden Bruno (5/10/1953-)
Featherquest Golden Yankee

Out of Tanya Of Feather Fetch:

Feather Fetch Spike (6/29/1953-)

Out of Am. CH. Golden Gal of High Farms CDX OD:

Am. CH. High Farms Torch CD (6/14/1953-1962)
Am. CH. Ritz of High Farms OS (6/14/1953-1964)
Golden Ginny of High Farms (6/14/1953-)
Golden Gigi of High Farms (6/14/1953-)

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