
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of JR. CH Moldova, Ukraine Tramin Shadow (1/3/2015-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Jr. CH Rus Pekos Pavlina:

Legacy Lily Dcera Of Princezna (7/20/2022-)
Legacy Whispering Willow's Blooming Tanzy (11/1/2021-)
Legacy Leaf Chaser Chasing the Blues Away (11/1/2021-)
Legacy Rejoice Micco (11/1/2021-)

Out of Rosella Leandro Mirabel:

Legacy Whispering Willow's Mystic Marley (11/16/2021-)

Out of Brady Of Hidden Springs:

Shadow's Spirit Polar Bear (12/1/2018-)
Summers Glowing Aspen (7/4/2021-) [OFA GR-146541G36F-C-VPI]

Out of Midwest English Golden Gabby:

Midwest English Golden Miss Abby (8/4/2018-) [OFA GR-133545G33F-VPI]

Out of JR CH BJ Golden Romance Maleficent:

Front Porch Golden's Braveheart (7/3/2021-)

Out of Ardella Rose:

Good Gracious! Mya Sugar Cookie (12/19/2016-)
Dale Hollow Magnum Tramin (12/19/2016-) [OFA GR-124590E24M-VPI]
Risa's Huckleberry Finn (12/19/2016-)
Dry runs apollo
Love's Just Around The River Bend (12/19/2016-)
Riviera Rose (3/9/2020-)
Blake's Country Boy (8/24/2017-)
Dry Runs Bella (8/24/2017-)
Mv's Leo (8/24/2017-) [OFA GR-128789G30M-VPI]
Majestic Goldens Believe In Miracles (8/24/2017-) [OFA GR-126803G24M-VPI]
Bella Shadow Rose (8/24/2017-)
Nito Ranch's Bossanova (8/24/2017-)
Risa's Tom Sawyer (8/24/2017-) [OFA GR-130051G35M-NOPI]
Risa's Diamond Solitaire (8/24/2017-) [OFA GR-129472G33F-PI]

Out of JChUA, JChMD, ChUA, ChMD, GrChMD, ChBY, GrChBY Huntmagic Metalica:

Jones' Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (9/16/2017-)
Sunsets Twilight Glow (1/27/2019-) [OFA GR-144103E59F-C-VPI]

Out of JCh, ChSrb Goga's Eternal Flame:

Golden Rays Of Summer Sunshine (6/2/2018-) [OFA GR-132204G31F-VPI]

Out of CH Mac. Kimberli Sunshine Iz Stolitsy Urala:

Charles - Golden Duke Of Lancaster (7/22/2017-)
Hallmark's Magnolia Sunrise (7/22/2017-2/2021)

Out of RoJCh Goldenfocus Irresistable Girl:

Midwest English Golden Miss Bella (8/4/2018-) [OFA GR-133590G33F-VPI]

Out of Jun.ChRus, ChRus, Jun.NKP, NKP Rus Pekos Rishka Almaznaya Kroshka:

Legacy Anna-beth Jones (3/12/2019-)
Legacy Parker Lane Of Andersonville (6/14/2017-) [OFA GR-127657G29M-VPI]

Out of Sky Pride Magic:

Tramin Solecito (4/1/2016-) [A/A clear/ GRSK]
Tramin Sequoya (1/4/2016-)

Out of UCI Nat. & Int. JR Champion Funny Face Host of Angels:

Deercreek's Wrigley Boy at Clark and Addison (11/8/2016-)
Schacht's Hank (11/8/2016-)
Livingstons Abbey Road (11/8/2016-) [OFA GR-124080G24F-VPI]
Argos Son of Storm (11/8/2016-)
Deer Creek Stormy Haleakala (11/8/2016-)
Kinzie of Kingsbury Green (11/8/2016-)
Ivory Summers Norton (11/8/2016-)
Cotton Eye Beauregard (11/8/2016-)
Storm's Oliver (11/8/2016-)

Out of JRCH Russia, JR CH NKP, CH Russia Rus Pekos Chudesnaya Fantaziya:

Bain's I'm A Leo of Gold (8/3/2016-) [OFA Mild Unilateral Right (Jan 18 2019)]
Geist Golden Mya (8/3/2016-)

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