
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of CH Masters-N-Lee's Koda Sam Splash Biermayer THDD CGC (9/13/2011-7/12/2022)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of CH Regency Mix It Up:

CH Regency Last Flight To Koda's CCA (9/7/2019-) [OFA GR-135297G25F-VPI]

Out of CH Masters Lil' Tom Boy THD, CGC:

Koda's First Hear Me Roar CCA, BCAT (4/9/2020-) [OFA GR-136896F24F-P-VPI]

Out of Sierra's Paddy O Concrete Crusin N Carsland:

Teko You Are My Sonshine (3/30/2017-)

Out of Foxfire Masters My Point Exactly CCA:

Dream's B'Lieve In Yourself CCA (6/1/2020-) [OFA GR-138143F25F-P-VPI]
Dream's B'Yond The Sea (6/1/2020-)
Dream-Foxfire Cheap Thrills (6/1/2020-) [OFA GR-138762F27F-U-VPI]
Dream To B The World's Greatest Dog (6/1/2020-)
Dream's No One Gets Left B'Hind (6/1/2020-)
Dream's B'Cause I Was Inverted (6/1/2020-)
Dream's Keep B'Lieving (6/1/2020-)
Dream You Can B My Wingman (6/1/2020-)

Out of CH Masters Wag-Time Band:

Masters Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow (10/22/2018-)

Out of Shyan's Final Lap Around Shalimar ThDE CGC:

Shalimar?s Butterfly Effect (11/30/2017-)

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