
Golden Retriever

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Offspring of Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS (1/6/1985-8/5/1997)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Sunshine Hill Came-O'Ranger:

Sunsong San Marin Dancer (9/22/1990-) [OFA GR-41660G31M]

Out of Gala Faire Sensation:

Gala Le Eclairer (9/18/1993-)
Gala En Vogue (9/18/1993-7/18/2005)

Out of Birnwood Wildfire Brightbrie:

Int'l CH Wildfire's Yuppie Puppy (10/10/1990-) [OFA GR-41276G29F]

Out of Dawnlee's Ann Of Shadowmere:

Dawnlee's Sand Castle (10/22/1988-)

Out of Donnor's Crystal Fantasia:

Donner's Problem Child (6/10/1991-)
Donnor's Doc Hollywood (6/10/1991-) [OFA GR-42121F48M]

Out of Brebeaus Chasing Halos':

Sunchases Solar Flare Ruby (2/27/1991-) [OFA GR-41954G27F]
Sunchase's Indian Gold (2/27/1991-) [OFA GR-41033F24F]

Out of Majestic Nutmeg Sunglow:

Sunshine Hill's Pocahontas (12/7/1990-) [OFA GR-43872F36F]

Out of Denlars Amber Glow:

Denlars Durango Dylan (10/10/1992-)
Denlars Budroe Of Newbury (10/10/1992-)
Denlar's That's My Heidi (10/10/1992-) [OFA GR-46786G24F]
Denlar's Magnolia Of Greystone (10/10/1992-)

Out of Brittainias Harlam Shuffle:

Brittania Quick Draw McGraw (2/7/1990-11/2002) [OFA GR-41006F37M]
Brittania's Stray Cat Strut (3/24/1989-) [OFA GR-35890G27M-T]

Out of Birnam Wood's Hot Sensation:

Sovereign's Rudolph Valentino (5/27/1987-8/16/1999)
Sovereign's Clara Bow (5/27/1987-7/20/1993)

Out of Chardonnay's Sugar Bear:

Golden Pine Trace O'Chardonay (11/27/1990-) [OFA GR-41044G27F]
Chardonnay's Kiss My Asp (12/18/1991-)
Chardonnay's Olympic Gold (12/18/1991-)
Chardonnay's Kellygreen Lace (11/27/1990-)
Chardonnay's Lucky Aces (11/27/1990-)
Chardonay's Puddleduck Ace-Hi (11/27/1990-) [OFA GR-40708G26M]
Savant's Queen Of The Hop (12/18/1991-)

Out of Mardovar Pekay's Everlove'n:

Gandalf's Winterwood Sock Hop (5/1/1991-10/24/2000) [OFA GR-43035G29F]

Out of Newcoast Ashwel Topgun's Legacy:

CH Debraak's Prince Of Tides (8/22/1992-)

Out of Panagold's Diamond Lil CD:

DesertHeir's El Sid (1/14/1987-8/11/1999)

Out of Am./Can. CH. Rosegolds Foremost Aja Star:

Petitpines Winters Chynna Rose (2/8/1993-)
CanCH Petitpines Snow At Goldngems CanCD TD WC
CanCH Petitpines Snow Stormin Norman

Out of CanCH Mysticgold Sweet Dreams:

CanCH Mysticgold's Amazing Grace CanCD

Out of Seabreeze's Bit O' Honey:

Seabreeze's Misty Sunshine (4/4/1992-) [OFA GR-46769G30F]
Can CH SeaBreeze's One In A Million (4/4/1992-) [OFA GR-44869F24M]
Seabreeze's Spring Stardust (4/4/1992-)

Out of Kindred Birnam Wood Hot Pink:

Birnam Woods Read All About It (3/23/1994-) [OFA GR-55051G33F-T]
Can./Am. CH Birnam Wood's Hard Copy (3/23/1994-) [OFA GR-52222G24M ]
Birnam Wood Cub Reporter (3/23/1994-) [OFA GR-52212F24M]
Birnam Wood Montelimar Jerez JH (3/23/1994-4/30/2007) [OFA GR-52176G24M-T]

Out of Am./Can. CH. Cloverdale Frostkist:

Goldwind Cloverdale Carrie (1/6/1988-)
Goldwind Cloverdale Maya (1/6/1988-) [OFA GR-34374F35F]

Out of CH Prairie's Crowd Pleez'n Philly:

Prairie's VII On A Richter (7/26/1991-)

Out of Can Ch Happy Acres Prospectors Kate OD:

Prospectors Ace Of Speads (7/2/1994-) [OVC 1247]
Prospectors Ace of Hearts (7/2/1994-) [OFA GR-57075G35F-T]
Ph Gr Ch Prospectors Ace Of Clubs

Out of Am. CH. Wayward's Walk This Way:

Ch. Wingate's Fast Getaway (6/14/1995-) [OFA GR-57007F24F-T]
CH. Wingate's On My Way (6/14/1995-) [OFA GR-58417F28M]

Out of Halo's Twilight Saranade:

Halo's Weekend On Myot (6/23/1994-) [OFA GR-56709G34F]
AmCH Gemini's Carribean Gold CD JH WC (6/23/1994-) [OFA GR-61662G48F]

Out of Can CH Desert's Blazing Sunrise:

Desert's Promise Of Dawn (11/5/1990-) [OFA GR-40217F24F ]
Am Ch Tyler's Desert Dawn (11/5/1990-) [OFA GR-40216F24M]

Out of Can Ch. Birnam Wood's Ultra Violet:

Can CH Westlyn's A Dandy Hunter (11/23/1990-)
CanCH Westlyn's Crocodile Dan-Dee CanSDHF (11/23/1990-)
Am./Can. CH. Westlyn's Doolin Dandy (11/23/1990-)

Out of Ch Meadowpond Rainbow Robin CD OD:

Am. CH Meadowpond Romeo Ace (5/24/1991-)

Out of Birnam Wood's Oshkosh By 'Gosh:

Birnam Wood's Barely Legal (5/29/1986-) [OFA GR-27383F24F]
Birnam Wood's Exhibit A Pequa (5/29/1986-)

Out of Am CH Birnam Wood's Song N Dance OD:

Birnam Wood's Comandra (6/19/1990-) [OFA GR-39164F25F ]
Am CH Birnam Wood's Cats Pajamas (6/19/1990-)
Am CH. Birnam Wood's Catbird Seat (6/19/1990-7/10/2003) [OFA GR-39416G26F-T]
Birnam Wood's Celtic Legend (6/19/1990-) [OFA GR-39207G24F]

Out of Cuesta's Elle Mara:

Cuesta's Pride Of Erin (1/12/1995-) [OFA GR-55272F24M]
Cuesta's Ring Of Kerry (1/12/1995-) [OFA GR-55200G24F]
Cuesta's GDA's Springlee (1/12/1995-)

Out of Robin's Merry Morgan:

Am. CH Robin's Trace Of Ace (1/19/1991-) [OFA GR-40662G24F]

Out of Nautilus Silk Teddy:

Nautilus Salute To Ruby (10/5/1994-)
Nautilus Salute To Hollywood (10/5/1994-)
Nautilus Twenty-One Gun Salute (10/5/1994-)
Am CH Nautilus Salute To Granhill OD (10/5/1994-1/9/2004) [OFA GR-55036G27F]
Nautilus' Salute To Jacque O OD (10/5/1994-) [OFA GR-54439G25F-T]

Out of Am-Bda.CH Edgehill Nautilus Abientot:

Am Ch Masters-Emerald's Dream Lover (7/17/1996-) [OFA GR-61563G24F-T]
Masters Dream A Little Dream (7/17/1996-8/23/2005)
Masters River of Dreams (7/17/1996-)
Masters Follow That Dream (7/17/1996-) [OFA GR-67653F41M-T]
Am. CH. Masters Edgehill Best Bet (8/27/1995-) [OFA GR-58132G25F-T]
Masters Edgehill Sweetdreams (7/16/1996-) [OFA GR-62442G27F-T]
Masters Dream For Motherlode (7/17/1996-) [OFA GR-61553G24F-T]

Out of BISS Am. CH Keane's Nutmeg Pippin OD:

Sunbeam's Fantasy In Motion (3/4/1995-) [OFA GR-56705F26M ]
Ch. Sunbeams Local Motion (3/4/1995-) [OFA GR-56005G24F-T]
Sunbeam's Vintage Motion (3/4/1995-)
Ch. Sunbeam Kokomo-Tion (3/4/1995-9/2007) [OFA GR-56504G25F]
Am-Can Ch Sunbeam's Causin' A Commotion AX AXJ (3/4/1995-) [OFA GR-55767G24M-T]
Sunbeam's Protest The Motion (3/4/1995-) [OFA GR-57199G28M-T]
Sunbeam's Second The Motion CD (3/4/1995-) [OFA GR-55730G24M]

Out of Beckwiths Rosegold Aurora:

Am. CH Rosegolds Wind B'Nth My Wings (9/15/1990-) [OFA GR-4153G30M]
Rosegolds Lovin' Spoonful (10/8/1991-) [OFA GR-43090F24M]

Out of Sunshinehill Chaka Mekahn:

Mekahn's State Of The Art (1/25/1988-) [OFA GR-32437F26M]
Mekahn Dux A L'Orange (1/25/1988-) [OFA GR-32207F25F]

Out of Am CH Golden Pine's Maui Waltz CDX:

OTCH Maui's Bewitched UDX TD CGC (10/31/1986-1/9/1996)

Out of Am. Can. Ch. Rush Hill Kinsha's Taylor Made:

Am. CH Wind Dance Full Auto (9/7/1991-10/2001)
Am. CH Wind Dance Darby Derringer (9/7/1991-2002)
Am./Can. CH. Wind Dance RC Ithaca Autumn SDHF OS (9/7/1991-10/5/2000) [OFA GR-42806G24M]

Out of Am. CH. Buckeye Tabetha:

Buckeye Buster Brown (1/24/1987-)
Buckeye Angelina (1/24/1987-12/15/1999) [OFA GR-29114G24F]

Out of Am. CH Twin-Beau-D's Broadway:

Am. CH Twin-Beau-D's Looker (2/20/1991-) [OFA GR-42789G31F]
CanCH Twin Beau D Irvings Penny (2/20/1991-)

Out of Farm Fresh Trillium:

Farm Fresh Oats 'N Barley UD NA (6/8/1989-1/14/1997)

Out of Prairie's Tuff-Nutt Miner OD:

Am./Can. CH St Andrew Sheza Charlie Girl (4/4/1990-1/7/1999) [OFA GR-38566G24F]

Out of Can. CH Mandalaro Sunrise Shoneen OD:

Am./Can. CH Goldsmith's Look Who's Here Am-Can SDHF (6/23/1988-6/9/1998)
CanCH Goldsmith's Run For The Roses (6/23/1988-8/2001)
Goldsmith's Kodiak (6/26/1988-)

Out of Am. CH Edgehill Leapin' Leprechaun OD:

Calypso Caymen's Coral Reef (6/27/1994-) [OFA GR-54339F27F ]
Am Ch. Calypso Sun-Daze Firing Line (6/27/1994-) [OFA GR-69037F71M ]
AmCH Calypso Acesault And Battery (6/27/1994-) [OFA GR-53119F24M ]

Out of Am./Can. CH. Honor's Karagld Wild Tyms T'Nite OD:

Karagold's Magik Headlines (8/22/1996-) [OFA GR-62478F26M-T]
Karagold's Race With The Wind (11/30/1994-) [OFA GR-66969E59M-T]
CH Karagold's Race Against Time (11/30/1994-) [OFA GR-56811G30M-T]
Karagold's Pristine Race N Tyme (11/30/1994-) [OFA GR-55980G24M]
Karagold's Head'N Up The Beach CD MH WC CGC (8/22/1996-9/12/2005) [OFA GR64058F31M-T]
UUD UACHX OTCH KaraGold's Head Over Heels UDX OA OAJ CGC TDI TT OD (8/22/1996-) [OFA GR-64734F32F-T]
Karagold's Glamour And Grace (11/30/1994-3/1/2007) [OFA GR-56376F27F-T]
KaraGold's Heads Up (8/22/1996-2004) [OFA GR-62076F24M-T]
CH Karagold's Race'N A Ruckus OD (11/30/1994-9/28/2003) [OFA GR-54613G24F]
CanCH Karagold Chetzemoka Race'N Ace (11/30/1994-)

Out of Asterlings Last'n Impression OD:

Am. CH Rizer's First Impression (6/9/1991-)
Ch. Rizer's Impressive Eldorado (6/9/1991-12/2003) [OFA GR-43007G28M]

Out of Am./Can. CH Hunts Amberwood Yardley OD:

Amberwood's Peking Duck (3/22/1987-)
Am. CH Amberwood Marrakesh Express OD (3/22/1987-8/28/2000) [OFA GR-31864G34F]
Am. CH Amberwood's Calcutta Cutie (3/22/1987-1/3/1996) [OFA GR-29577G24F-T]
Am. CH Amberwood's Off To Paradise (3/22/1987-3/31/1999) [OFA GR-30828G29M]
Am. CH Amberwood's Tripoli Trader (3/22/1987-9/19/2001) [OFA GR-30440G28M]
Am./Can. CH. Amberwood Montego Bay (3/22/1987-8/4/2002) [OFA GR-29869G25M]
Amberwood's Casablanca (3/22/1987-) [OFA GR-32219F35M]

Out of Am. CH Peppercreek Redz Passion:

Majestic Marigold Mandy (8/11/1992-)
Safari's Mostly Mozart (8/11/1992-)

Out of Meadowpond Regency Fantasy:

Regency Tropical Paradise (9/12/1996-2/23/2008) [OFA GR62569G25F-T]

Out of Am. CH Summit's Almond Delight OD:

CH Tuxedo's Barbary Coast TD (8/6/1992-) [OFA GR-46590G25F-T]
Tuxedo's Excalibur (8/6/1992-7/2003) [OFA GR-46427G25M-T]
Am. CH Tuxedo's Sierra Stardust (8/6/1992-2006) [OFA GR-46138G24F]

Out of Faera's Honeybear Keepsake:

Labyrinth JP Fire Red (9/25/1994-) [OFA GR-55918F28F]
Labyrinth JP Forget-Me-Not (9/25/1994-)
Labyrinth JP Turquoise Blue (9/25/1994-)
Labylinth jp Turquoise Blue (9/25/1994-) [OFA GR-56310F28M]

Out of Freedom's Oui Madame:

Jaxon's Bridge To Westminster (10/25/1991-) [OFA GR-43203F24F]
Jaxon's Shoot The Moon (10/25/1991-)

Out of Am. CH Jayba Pekay's Wild Turkey:

Am. CH Pekay's Chevy Chase (6/8/1987-)
Pekay's Paper Chase (6/8/1987-)
Pekay's Sunburst Taragon CD (6/8/1987-) [OFA GR-30094G24F]
Am. CH Pekay's Wild Goose Chase (6/8/1987-)
Pekay's High Speed Chase CD (6/8/1987-)

Out of Am. CH Birnam Wood Keweenaw Sequoia:

CanCH Birnam Wood's Dust Buster (1/21/1987-)

Out of Birnam Wood Zydeco Fire:

Am./Can. CH. Zydeco's Geyser Peak (11/26/1994-7/19/2006) [OFA GR-56740F29M]
Zydeco's Radishing Blonde (11/26/1994-) [OFA GR-54777G24F]

Out of Am/Can CH Beckwiths Phortune Cookie:

Beckwiths Famous Amos CDX (4/16/1991-)

Out of Am./Can. CH. VanReel's Furrbidden Fruit:

Ch Wildwoods Power Play (9/28/1994-) [OFA GR-54040F24M]
Wildwoods Feel The Heat (9/28/1994-) [OFA GR-54366G25M-T]
Ch Wildwoods Through The Fire (9/28/1994-) [OFA GR-54364F25M-T]
Ch Wildwoods Take My Breath Away (9/28/1994-) [OFA GR-54365G25F-T]
Wildwoods American Beauty (9/28/1994-)

Out of Am. CH Goldenbear's Toohot Tahandle OD:

Goldenbear's Hotsy Totsy (7/21/1988-) [OFA GR-33983F25F]
Am. CH Goldenbear's Hot Shot (7/21/1988-5/24/2000) [OFA GR-33986G27M]

Out of Autumnlea Sweetgrass Carly:

CH Goodtimes Got'a New Attitude (5/15/1995-11/7/2009) [OFA GR-60621G35F]
Goodtimes New York Cheescake (5/15/1995-) [OFA GR-56792G24F]

Out of Am CH Quillmark's Spring Fling CD OD:

Goodtimes Over The Rainbow (5/13/1992-)
Ch. Goodtimes The Rule To Follow (1/31/1993-5/16/2007) [OFA GR50436G32F]
Goodtimes Luv The Rainynites (5/13/1992-)
Goodtimes Gentle Spring Rain (5/13/1992-) [OFA GR-45519F25F]
Am. CH Goodtimes Singing Inthe Rain (5/13/1992-3/15/2005)
Am./Can.CH Goodtimes Can't Stopthe Rain OS (5/13/1992-) [OFA GR-45607G25M]
Am-Can CH Goodtimes RC Breakn Ala Rules SDHF (1/31/1993-12/9/2002) [OFA GR-47975F24M-T]
Ch. Goodtimes Rule At Birnam Wood SDHF (1/31/1993-) [OFA GR-47692F25M]
Ch Goodtimes Rule Number One (1/31/1993-9/2002) [OFA GR-47742G24F]
CH Goodtimes Raining Comets OD (5/13/1992-11/21/2005) [OFA GR-47680G32F]
Am. CH Goodtimes She Rules The Roost (1/31/1993-) [OFA GR-48557G26F]
CH Goodtime's Ruling Passion OD (1/31/1993-3/5/2007) [OFA GR-48319G25F]

Out of Quillmark Mardovar's Mallard:

Mardovar's I'm So Glad (1/22/1995-6/17/2006)
Mardovar Wingate Glad ToBe Me (1/22/1995-) [OFA GR-64498G51F-T]
Mardovar Rejoice And Be Glad (1/22/1995-) [OFA GR-55147G24F-T]

Out of Can Ch Synergold Goldwind Rhiannon Am/Can OD:

CanCH Goldwind's New York Yankee CanCD (6/8/1987-)
Can CH Goldwind's Java Gold (6/8/1987-) [OFA GR-30330G24F]
Goldwind's Reveille (6/8/1987-)
Can Ch Goldwind's An American Hero (6/8/1987-) [OFA GR-30054G24M]

Out of Am. Can. CH Twin-Beau-D Nautilus Seastar OD:

Am. CH Nautilus Diamond Back Zack CD (3/29/1988-)
Am. CH Nautilus Blue Diamond (3/29/1988-) [OFA GR-35983F37M]
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds R Forever (3/29/1988-) [OFA GR-33717G29M]
Am./Can. CH. Nautilus Magic Diamond CD JH WC VC CGC (3/29/1988-5/9/2001) [OFA GR-32452F24M]
Ch. Nautilus Twin-Beau-D Diamond OS (3/29/1988-) [OFA GR-32558G24M]
Am. CH Nautilus Diamonds N Rust (3/29/1988-1/25/1999)
BIS Am./Can./Bda. CH. Nautilus Edgehill Diamen' Ice CD OD SDHF (3/29/1988-3/24/2001) [OFA GR 32388F24F]
AmCH Nautilus Diamond Schooner (3/29/1988-) [OFA GR-34295F32M]

Out of AmCH Kachina's Top Secret OD:

Am. CH Kachina Doc's Irish Cream (9/22/1986-) [OFA GR-28130G24M]
Am. CH. Kindred's Sun River Esprit OD (9/22/1986-12/30/2000) [OFA GR-28190F24F]
CH Kindred Peppercreek Suspense OS (9/22/1986-) [OFA GR-28124F24M]
Rosewood Pretty Penny (9/22/1986-3/22/1998) [OFA GR-30233G33F]

Out of Ch. Asterling's Tahiti Sweetie SDHF:

Birnam Wood's Extravaganza (3/27/1987-)

Out of Am CH. Summits Mystic Rhythms SDHF:

Am CH Summits Time Stand Still (8/30/1993-11/2004) [OFA GR-50836F25M]
Am CH Summit Goldstorm Moving Picture BISS OD (8/30/1993-4/5/2003) [OFA GR-49974E48F-T]

Out of CH Asterling Lanai Lalenia CD OD:

CH. Birnam Wood Bang'R Daily Times OD (11/18/1988-6/24/1998) [OFA GR-35766G30F]
Ch. Birnam Wood's Financial Times (11/18/1988-)
Am. CH Birnam Wood's Wall Street Jrnl (11/18/1988-5/29/2001) [OFA GR-42351G56M]

Out of Am CH Faera's Puppy Kidd OD:

Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (1/31/1990-8/7/2000) [OFA GR-37666G24M]
Faera's Future Classy Cassy (1/31/1990-) [OFA GR-41567F39F]
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (7/30/1988-7/9/2000) [OFA GR-33731G25F]
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd (7/30/1988-) [OFA GR-33389F24F]
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials (7/30/1988-) [OFA GR-33384F24M]
Faera's Future Finesse (1/31/1990-) [OFA GR-37654G34F]
Faera's Future Looks Rosy (1/31/1990-) [OFA GR-37772G24F]
Faera's Future Vsop (1/31/1990-)
Faera's Future Windsong (1/31/1990-)
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (7/30/1988-) [OFA GR-34673F30F]
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (7/30/1988-1/8/1999) [OFA GR-33513G24M]

Out of Goldenbear's Gold-Rush Rodeo:

CH Goldenbear's Catch the Wave OD (10/29/1987-) [OFA GR-33856G30F]

Out of Am CH Pekay Nealcrest On the Money:

Am CH Pekay's Money Talks (12/20/1993-) [OFA GR-51371G25F]
Pekay's Money On The Move (12/20/1993-) [OFA GR-55704G37F]
Am-Can CH Pekay's For Love Or Money (12/20/1993-1/22/2004) [OFA GR-51234F24F]
Am CH Pekay's The Color of Money (12/20/1993-) [OFA GR-50974E24M]

Out of Am./Can. Ch. Mardovar's Furrst Love OD:

AM CH Mardovar's Time After Time (12/31/1988-6/2001) [OFA GR-34864F25F]
Mardovar's Moment In Time (12/31/1988-)
Mardovar Wish Upon A Starr (9/11/1987-) [OFA GR-31292G26F]
Can CH Mardovar Essence In Time Can CD (12/31/1988-) [OFA GR-35161F24M-T]
Am. CH Mardovar All Starr (9/11/1987-) [OFA GR31040G25M]
Mardovar's Time Furr the Hunt (12/31/1988-) [OFA GR-35285G27M]
Mardovar's Jazz Starr (9/11/1987-9/18/2001) [OFA GR-32835G32M]
Mardovar's Time Furr Titania TD (12/31/1988-) [OFA GR-35325F27F-T]
Mardovar's Timely Arrival (12/31/1988-) [OFA GR-35930F29M-T]
AM CH Mardovar's Times Square (12/31/1988-) [OFA GR-34791F25M]
AM CH Mardovar's Savannah Starr (9/11/1987-) [OFA GR-31173G25F]
Mardovar Starr Struck (9/11/1987-)
Mardovar's Showtime (12/31/1988-) [OFA GR-34914G26F]
Mardovar's Prime Time Player (12/31/1988-)

Out of Am./Can. CH Kachinas Kinsha Kari Am CDX OD Can CD OD SDHF:

Kinsha's Homestead Just 'N Case (5/22/1989-)
Am/Can CH Kinsha's Silent Dreamer OD (5/22/1989-) [OFA GR-36068G25F]
CanCH Kinsha Camalire Showtime (5/22/1989-) [OFA GR-37105G29F-T]

Out of Am./Can. CH Kinsha's Flight to Rush Hill OD:

CanCH Rush Hill's Private Rendition (10/8/1990-) [OFA GR-40148F25M]
Am. CH Rush Hill's Party Hearty (4/22/1990-) [OFA GR-38991F25F]
Am. CH Rush Hill's Heart Attacker (4/22/1990-)

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