
Golden Retriever

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Falkinburg's Golden Meadow CGC  (4/28/2022-)

Call name:"Mandy"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:USA
State of residence:TN
Breeder:Lori Ann Falkinburg
Owner:Lori Falkinburg and Patrick Falkinburg
Microchip/Tattoo #985113006718761
Web site:www.falkinburggoldens.com
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


Falkinburg's Golden Meadow CGC
GCH Starrise N Powderhorn Not My First Rodeo JH WC CGC TKN BCAT OS
Multi BISS GCHS Passion N Powderhorn Only Game In Town BVSS CD JH VC RN WC DJ CGC TKA CA OS SDHF
Multi BIS BISS Am GCHS CH Summits The Titanic OS SDHF
GCH CH Passion's Natural Woman UD JH WC VCX OD
CH Starrise Zelda OD
BISS GCH Shyan's Let Freedom Ring SDHF
Starrise Ravello Royale
Falkinburg's Ocean of Gold THDN CGC
GCH CH Passion's Naturally Suited
GCH CH Samuel Valentine Of Dogwood OS
GCH CH Passion's Natural Woman UD JH WC VCX OD
Falkinburg's Liberty Gold CGC
INT CH HR Prism's Powderhorn Strikes Back UD SH WCX RN CCA VC
Falkinburg's Golden Genesis RA CGC CCA

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