Teracrofts Let Freedom Ring CGC  (4/11/2012-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR73628001


Teracrofts Let Freedom Ring CGC
Ch Fortune's Jailbreak
Ch Dickendall Buckstone Thunderstruck
BISS Am CH Dickendall Davaron Gable
AmCH Dickendall Buckstone Lobelia WC
Fortune's Jet Puffed
Am Can CH Castlewood's Just Do It CGC
Fortune's Taste the Rainbow
Teracrofts Time of Tranquility CGC
Pan CH Manaratha TP 45 Fabulous
BR Ch Lillimar's Power Of Love
Tap Water Tamisa of Chilbrook
Teracrofts Floo Powder from Hawk-N
AmCH Dovetail Longwood Snapdragon
Teracroft Hawkn Guiding Light