Duchesse du Labramour d'Othys  (11/26/2008-)

Call name:
Country of origin:France
Registration:FCI LOF 195892/28960
Hip clearance:FCI A/B
Eye clearance:clear 2016
Elbow clearance:FCI 0/0
PRA status:Clear


Duchesse du Labramour d'Othys
INT CH Carpenny Slogan
Rockledge Wordsmith of Carpenny
CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole
Rockledge Bramble
GB SH CH Carpenny Whist
Hawkmoors Webster
UK ShCh Carpenny Rustina
FrCh, TR Automne du Labramour d'Othys
Uncle Jo De La Legende De La Loutre
Ch English Touch New Moon
INT CH Trialer Lejie Vanity Fair
Indeed's Urbains Uncrowned Queen
NL, VDH Ch. Mallorn's Topgallant
Indeed de Saint Urbain