Firelights Brutality Of Mafgar  (5/4/2022-)

Call name:"Rhea"
Country of origin:Unknown


Firelights Brutality Of Mafgar
GRHRCH UH Rexsun Silky Smoke MH
General Pattons Rigby
NFC FC AFC Five Star General Patton
Oak Ledge Daily Dash Of Pep
Treddolphin's Blazing Ember HR, UH, JH
HRCH UH CP Treddolphin Blazing Red SH
Treddolphin's Autumn Glow
WSD SHR Semko's Heart of Fire SH DSA WC AJ
Johnson's Jumpin Jack Flash JH DCAT DM DSA AM AS HDS TKI
Oscar Johnson The Golded Boy BCAT DS AS
Princess Reba Lu Johnson
WSD SHR Princess Peanut-Buttercup JH DS CGCA CGCU
Jacksons Gold Max
Princess Madeline Butterball