Rosemist Marjory's Bellamy Road CGC  (4/19/2014-)

Call name:"Bellamy"
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SR82802704
Breeder:Gail Durand
Owner:Gail Durand
Hip clearance:OFA GR-117751G30F-VPI
Eye clearance:OFA GR-EYE11490/72F-VPI (4/20, E1)
Heart clearance:OFA GR-CA31333/30F/C-VPI
Elbow clearance:OFA GR-EL37610F30-VPI


Rosemist Marjory's Bellamy Road CGC
Heathcliff From Mariannehouse
SK CH, Champion's of Champion 2007 Koriander v.d. Beerse Hoeve Working Trial (1st.prize)
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner
Molly v.d. Beerse Hoeve
Multi CH Sundance Golden's Nora 2006 Res. & 2007 Top Golden-Retriever in Hungary
JW Sundance Golden's Gentleman
HCH , ?st.Clubwinner 00' Sundance Golden's Alexis
Rosemist Th Marjory
Mardovar's Graham Quacker
Ceile's Mardovar Caleb
Mardovar's I'm So Glad
Callaway Dorianna's Dream
Stanroph Steal The Moment
One Ash Rose Of Callaway