Del Bay Sheamus  (8/1/1978-)

Call name:
Country of origin:USA
Registration:AKC SC507378 3-80


Del Bay Sheamus
AM Ch Linershwood Sticky Wicket CD
GB.Sh.Ch. Sandylands Storm Along
GB Ch Follytower Merrybrook Black Stormer
GB SH CH Sandylands Girl Friday
Sandylands Solace at Linershwood
GB Ch. Sam of Suddie
GB Sh. Ch. Sandylands Mercy
Peaches N' Cream of Ayr
AM Ch Anderscroft Stalayna Sioux
AmCH Sebastian Of Anderscroft CD
Tagalong's Congeniality
Ch Meadowrock's Fudge of Ayr CD TD
AmCH Dickendall's Flip Flop CDX
AmCh Meadowrock's Angelica of Ayr