Oklahoma Misantos  (11/1/2001-)

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Call name:"Zuzka"
Country of origin:Other
Registration:Other CLP/GR/6184 CZE
Breeder:Misek Antonin CZ
Owner:Marketa Krejcova CZ
Web site:http://www.retrivrzuzka.wz.cz/
Hip clearance:HDD 0/1


Oklahoma Misantos
Melody Makers Memory of Louis
Louis (DK 22195/91)
NUCH KBHV92 WA92 Stenbury Waterwizardry
Jessica (DK 09769/89)
Sabina (DK 03491/88)
Golden Djima Adventure
Woodstar Line
Karolina z Vlci Stepi
Fantastic Golden v. Axenfels
Shantey Master of the House
Cina riccardi
Bara od Kletecke hraze
Ch. Dorion Belaja
Laura z Vlci stepi