Anika von Toinikke  (8/22/2013-)

Call name:
Country of origin:Austria
Registration:FCI ?HZB LR 9071
Hip clearance:A2 / A2
Elbow clearance:0/0
PRA status:Clear


Anika von Toinikke
Dolphingham Dolphin Drugo
ITCH, CIB, CIE, FCH, HRCH, SwissCH, 2xRCICH Charm Bluveil Mr. Darcy WC,FFTCH
AmCH Langshott Gale Force From Kimvalley
AmCH Charm's Dancing To The Music
Dolphingham Double-O-Seven
INT CH IT CH RCI CH Martinstide Roll The Dice
It Ch Dolphingham Double Ooohh
Chesterwood's Holly
Int.Ch, AutCh, AutJCH Dark Side of Rose
INT CH, FI/EE CH, FINW-06 LTW-08 Follies Mon Oncle
Princess of the Night di Siriorosi
Chesterwood's Freesia
Gingerbred Guinness At Chartbreakers
Chesterwood's Darling