
Golden Retriever

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Litter Q

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Litter Q
C.I.B.-J. Queen Mary Sneh Tatier
Questyer Sneh Tatier
Pl.Ch., Pl.JCh. I'm Terra Antyda Happy Dancer
I'm Terra Antyda Happy Goldenangels
I'm Terra Antyda Harley Davidson 3 x EE CAC, 3xBOB, 3xBOS
EE JCH I'm Terra Antyda Hope of Kiss
C.I.B, C.I.E, CH FI/EE/RU/LV Clearing Pond's David Beckham EEW'10, HeW'11, FiW'13, SW'13
Clearing Pond's Di Caprio
Clearing Pond's Don Juan
Clearing Pond's Delicious Dream
Clearing Pond's Diva Darlene
BH, FI/EE CH Fairfield Firefoxtrot
Fairfield Fireserenade
Fairfield Fire Guardsman
Fairfield Fireformation
Fairfield Firesymphony
Clearing Pond's Attractive Lady
I'm Terra Antyda Real Sweety
I'm Terra Antyda Real Beauty
EE JCH I'm Terra Antyda Real Shine
Est JCH I'm Terra Antyda Real Feeling
Est & LT & LTU & Balt JCH, LT & LV & EST & BALT CH, Balt JW'13, Tln JW'13 Golden Tunes Rocket Man (Crufts CQ)
DKJV13 Golden Tunes Royal Mighty
Golden Tunes Rock My World
INT & EST & FIN & PL CH, EST & LT JCH Dunehill's Miss Gigi at Terra Antyda EurJW-06, EstJW-06&W-06, Balt JW06&W-06, NordW-09
Dunehill's Miss Amazing Grace
Dunehill's Mister Blue Sky
Dunehill's Mister Deejay
Swiss Champion Dunehills Miss Jamie at Golden Fall
Dunehills Mister Charlie Brown
Dunehills Mister Bo Jangles
C.I.B & C.I.E. KASSANDRA Sneh Tatier "U"
Kiara Sneh Tatier
KORNEL Sneh Tatier
?JCH CIE Multi CH Little Violet's Quite Cool
JWW 15, ?JCH, ?CH, SLCH, CIE Little Violet's Quizzy Dizzy
Little Violet's Quiet & Peaceful
Belgium Ch, Dutch Ch, Dutch JCH House Calls v.d. Beerse Hoeve
?sterr., Kroat.,Slowak.,Tsch.JuCH, Slowak. CH Evidog Princess
C.I.E. & Multi CH. Florisa Gold Heart
Fiona Gold heart
IntCh, MultCh, ChSK, GrChSK, ChSRB, GrChSR, ChUA Evidog Kasino
Evidog Kiwi
Evidog Kayla
Dutch JCH / VDH-JCH Evidog Kartago RheinlandPfalz-Sieger '13/Jug. Sieger Rostock '11
JCh SK, Ch PL, Ch SK, GrandCh SK, Ch CZ, Ch HUN, MultiCh, Inter C.I.B., C.I.E., HAYLEY Sneh Tatier
Jessica Sneh Tatier
Jenny Sneh Tatier
Jerry Sneh Tatier
Jasper Sneh Tatier
Ch SK Jason Sneh Tatier
Ch SK Justin Sneh Tatier
Happy Sneh Tatier
Harry Sneh Tatier
Hugo Sneh Tatier
Hunter Sneh Tatier

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