
Golden Retriever

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Lpg's Judge

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Lpg's Judge
Lpg's payingmywaydropkickmurphy
SHR Thistle Rock's Hunter Moon Sully Saves The Day JH WC
Lakes 'N Fields Slough Crasher CGC
Sunshine's Cash Of Thistle Rock
Bothy Hill's Maggie May CDX BN RM RAE TKA CGC
IABCA Int CH Thistle Rocks and Heartland's Merida
Thistle Rocks and Heartland's Pocahontas
Thistle Rock Rosewood's Oliver
Thistle Rock And Heartland's Periwinkle
Thistle Rock And Heartland's Tinkerbell
HR Thistle Rocks Toby 4
Thistle Rocks Little Miss Glory
Thistlerocks Rhonda's Winnie
Thistlerocks Rhonda's Minnie
Thistle Rocks New Kid On The Block MH24 WCX QAA
Josie Rea
Kodiak's Yogi Bear
Thistle Rock Lady Bella Of Hampton Court
Leelo's Coke With A Splash Of Midori
FC Thistle Rocks Red Ike MH QA2 WCX OS
Thistle Rock's Greatest Reward JH WC
Evans Queen Mossy
Thistle Rocks Je'a Blue Jeans SH **
Thistle Rocks E&J's Tucker
Bewitched Thistle Rocks Moosehead MH
Red Elk River Fern
Wham Bam's Rum And Coke MH ** WCX OS
Redmark Hollieberry
Redmark's Red Autumn Rose WC, CGC, MH
HRCH Redmark Maggie SH
Redmarks Pinch Hitter **
Redmarks Mighty Maverick
Wham Bam Doubles Shot of Rum
Redmark's Red Storm Rising SH, WC
Sydney Redmark
Redmark Live Wire Flash Fire UD SH WC CGC TDI
Thistle Rocks Red Leelo OD
Thistle Rocks Lilly Of Peace
Thistle Rocks Red Rose II
SHR Wagzu's Red Solo Cup JH OD
Wagzu's Sunsuite Tempo Di Presto MH WCX QA2 CCA
HRCH Wagzu's Sound Of Dixie
Wagzu's Big Red Hamilton
Wagzu's Rosie
FC AFC LaCrosse Max Q Jake JH OS FDHF
Lacrosse Commander Cody JH
Redstar's Rockstar Of Lacrosse CD WCX **
LaCrosse's Regal Elizabeth UDX OM1 RE MH NA
Redstar's LaCrosse Jade
Lacrosse's Comeback Kid Jake WCX ***
Lacrosse I Dare You OD
Timber Pond Harley Of LaCrosse
Lacrosse's Jokers Wild
Jersey's Copper of Lacrosse
Chancefield's Viking Raider
Lacrosse's Primo Gusto
Lacrosse's Hd Thoreau
Miss Mercedez Of Lacrosse
Lacrosse's Risin Ruby MH WCX **
Lacrosse's Running Brooke MH WCX ***OD
HRCH Porjay's She's No Debutante MH OD
Porjay's Black Eyed Pea JH
Lpg's Cricket's Summer Thunder Moon
Lpg's Samwise The Brave
Lpg's Boondox Oakley
Lpg's N Tnt Stanley's Anny Oakley
Prr's Sandy Steamer
Lpg's N Tnt Stanley's Babdita
Lpg's Dottie's Country Sunshine Hay Moon
Brassfirer's Artic Cotton CDX
Brassfire's Seattle on a Lark MH WCX OS
Wild Fire N Brass MH WCX ***
Brassfire's Modified Mustang MH WCX OD
OTCH U-CD TNT Anya's Echo UD, JH, WC, OHF Am. UD
K E L S O (CKC 1071181) CanWC, JH
Brassfire's Ticket To Ride SH ** OD
FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond's R.V. Am *** OS Can. FDHF
Cedarpond's Fairway Legend **
Cedarpond's Brunswick Mist
Cedarpond Am I Tuff Enuff CanWCX
Cedarpond Midas Dazzling Diana SH, WCX
GMHR Cedarpond RockErin Always Redy
FTCH GMHR Cedarpond Rockerin Beabhin *** OD
Cedarpond's Goldenboy Talia
Cedarpond Alberta Bound Can ***
Cedarpond Gabriel ***
Tigathoe's Cut of Cedarpond Can ***
Cedarpond's Makwa II Can*** WCX
FC FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond Brasdor Skywalker OS Can. FDHF
Cedarpond Blaine Splash Of Gold
Cedarpond Topbrass Canuck WCX JH
Cedarpond's First Power
Cedarpond Dash To Ambertrail
Cedarpond Wrassl Tassl Can ***
Cedarpond Ninja Red *** OS
FTCH Cedarpond's Nike *** Can FDHF
Brassfire's Mustang Sally MNH MH MNR MNHF HTHF WCX ** OD
FTCH AFTCH Erinhills Seattle's Lu
Riverduck Sophie MH
Prr's Lyla's Pink Moon
Bella Ana
HR Fireside Emberain Aced It MH WCX OS
Fireside Sky Rider
Firesides High Octane JH
PRR's Rags To Riches Ruby JH
PRR's Snow Moon Addie

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