
Golden Retriever

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A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

HU Puppy Grand Winner Future from Babelsbergi Land Therapy dog
Felicity from Babelsbergi Land
Miracle Babelsberg Sanitacteam Day
Menusha Memory Sanitacteam Day
Morning Star Menuchim Memory
IntCh Milkyway Sanitacteam Day CCA
Miss Mirage Sanitacteam Day
Memorable Babelsberg Sanitacteam Day
Madona Sanitacteam Day
Marcus Sanitacteam Day
Most Of All Sanitacteam Day
Morning Star Sanitacteam Day
C.I.B., C.I.E., MultiJCh, MultiCh, GrandCh, Multi Vet. Ch Iker du Bois de la Rayere Czech Club Winner 2016, Crufts Qualified for life
It Is Love du Bois de la Ray?re
Is just Golden du Bois de la Rayere
INDIA du Bois de la Rayere
in Love Again du Bois de la Ray?re
Bonett Bride Flash and Fly
Bonett Bride Flame Flower
Bonett Bride Final Decision
JCH Bonett Bride Face To Face
CanGCH Bonett Bride Fire Tower CCA
Bonett Bride Fish on the Lake
Princess Dreams Sen Wiktorii
Princess Paradise Gardens Sen Wiktorii
Champion PL Carlo Daisy Club
Candy Daisy Club
Clara Daisy Club
Christina Daisy Club
Camelia Daisy Club
CARLA Daisy Club
Vena Sen Wiktorii
VITO Sen Wiktorii
Karma Of My Life from Babelsbergi Land Therapy dog
King of the Hearts from Babelsbergi Land
Viper vom Woelzerthal (Certified therapy dog)
Vanilla vom W?lzerthal
Vlora vom W?lzerthal
Vroni vom W?lzerthal
Violetta vom W?lzerthal
Venice vom W?lzerthal
Vivien vom W?lzerthal
Vicky vom W?lzerthal
Vincent vom W?lzerthal
CIE ?CH. HRSHCH. SLOSHCH. ?JCH. SLOJCH. HRJCH. Prerogative of the Morning Valley
President Of The Morning Valley
Papermoon of the Morning Valley
Priority Of The Morning Valley
Pamberly of the morning valley
DTS. CH. , VDH.CH Passionate of the Morning Valley
Peaches of the Morning Valley
Preston of the Morning Valley
Polar Express Of The Morning Valley
Ramchaine Extremely Fetching
Ramchaine Vibrant
Ramchaine Extremely Scrummy FDC BCAT RATN ATT
CIE, MultiCH, JCHUA, JCHLT, JCHMOL, CH BUL, CH MOL, CH UA, BBB Ramchaine Virtuoso GrandCH, SuperGrandCH
Ramchaine Vision On
Ramchaine Vanguard
Ramchaine Exceedingly Swanky
Ramchaine Exceedingly Zestful
Emma from Babelsbergi Land Certified therapy dog
Edward from Babelsbergi Land
Esper from Babelsbergi Land
Miracle Babelsberg Sanitacteam Day
Menusha Memory Sanitacteam Day
Morning Star Menuchim Memory
IntCh Milkyway Sanitacteam Day CCA
Miss Mirage Sanitacteam Day
Memorable Babelsberg Sanitacteam Day
Madona Sanitacteam Day
Marcus Sanitacteam Day
Most Of All Sanitacteam Day
Morning Star Sanitacteam Day
HJCH, Jugendbester, CROSHCH Babelsbergi Sugar and Spice
Babelsbergi Sweets And Eats
JCH SRB Babelsbergi Cakes and Bakes
Babelsbergi Frosted Fantasies
Babelsbergi Just Desserts
JCH SRB Babelsbergi Cheese Cake
JCH, JCH CRO, ROCH Babelsbergi Vanilla Sky

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