
Golden Retriever

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Chef’s Special SugarBee

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Chef’s Special SugarBee
Chef's Special Golden Delicious
Chef's Special Honeycrisp
Chef's Special Jonagold
Chef's Special SweeTango
Chef's Special Granny Smith
Chef's Special Pink Lady
Chef's Special Royal Gala
Ch. Gaia Atalante Silent Night
Gaia Atalante Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum
Ch Sequins Soroush
Sequins Sevda
Zweeds Show Ch., NL JCh., Lux JCh.,BNL JW Lux, BNL JW NL, BNL J Ch, Dream Max Golden Eagle
SEVCH Dream Max Spring Pearl
Int CH Dream Max Sakura
Mathilda of the Hellacious Acres
Swiss Ch, Int Ch, C.I.B. Mitchell of the Hellacious Acres
Morwenna of the Hellacious Acres
Morisson of the Hellacious Acres
PZZAZZ Ylva Pennysd?ttir
PZZAZZ Randulfr Valentinson
PZZAZZ Garth Valentinson
PZZAZZ Hallvard Valentinson
PZZAZZ Fanndis Valentinson
PZZAZZ Jarle Valentinson
PZZAZZ Fanney Pennysd?ttir
PZZAZZ Liv Pennysd?ttir
Jako's Musthave
N UCH Jako's Mona Lisa
Jako's Misaki
Jako's Miyoko
Jako's Michelangelo
Jako's Maximilian
Jako's Micklaus Mellon
INT CH, SE CH, SWISS JCH Jako's Mystic Touch
Golden Inez Hot Song
Golden Inez Hija de la Luna
Vivid Victory v.h. Aambeeld
Sequins Separator
CH Morgan Freeman Anarchia Box
Marlon Brando Anarchia Box
JCH CH Marilyn Monroe Anarchia Box
Marcello Mastroiani Anarchia Box
Marco Polo Anarchia Box
Milky Chance Anarchia Box
Mary Jane Anarchia Box
Meryl Streep Anarchia Box
Mia Farrow Anarchia Box
Milky Way Anarchia Box
Sequins Sogrape
Ant. Dt. Jug. Ch.(VDH), Anw. Dt. CH VDH Sequins Sandeman Club Jugend Sieger
Dutch Diva Denise v.h. Aambeeld
Elysian Blonds Denzel
Handsome Hillary v.h. Aambeeld

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