
Golden Retriever

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Int CH Prism's Move Over In Georgia CCA

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Int CH Prism's Move Over In Georgia CCA
Prism's Moving Pictures CCA
GCH CH Prism's Night Moves RN WC OS VC
CH Prism's She Knows How To Move U RN JH VC
CH Prism's Hear It In The Deep Heart's Core CD RN JH VC
Prism's The Pirate Move-EE
Prism's Moves Like a Showgirl
Prism's Too Tuckered To Move
Prism's Thousand Kisses Deep
Prism's From The Deep Blue Sea
Prism's Friendship Runs Deep CGC CCA
Prism's From Deep Down Under
Prism's Deep Blue Doppler Radar
Prism's Deep in the Heart of Carolina
CH Tangleloft The Heat Is On SDHF, OS
Tangleloft Turnin' Up The Heat
Tangleloft Rainstorm Layla MX MXJ CGC
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF
Summits Only The Shadow Knows
Am/Can CH Summits Dancin'at Dustrax CD RE CGC
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD
Golden Pine Oh What A Night CDX RA OA NAJ CGC TDI SARA
CH Golden Pine's Pacific Panache CD
Golden Pine Night To Remember
Golden Pine Kelly O'Bayfield
CH Golden Pine Rio De Oro CD TD JH MX AXJ WC VC
Golden Pine's Uptown Girl
Golden Pine Select J Riesling
BIS BISS Am CH Summits Shadow Dancer OD SDHF
BISS Ch. Tangleloft Chillingsworth OD
Tangleloft Lutece RN, CGC
Am./Can. Ch. Tangleloft Salem Cross
Tangleloft Trek Tuckerman Stoppe CDX
Am./Can. CH. Online's Sweet Jamie Green
Online Sutter Creek Wind Jam R
Can. Ch. Online Turngold's James Dean
Online's Jambiya At Verdoro
Online's Blueberry Jam
Online's Jam Beaux Ris
White's Pretty Boy
CH Tangleloft Foxylane Jes Mine
Tangleloft Serendipity CD
Am./Can. CH. Tangleloft Endless Love CDX CGC OS
Tangleloft Lasting Endeavour
Can. CH. Meredreme Tangleloft Believe It OS SDHF
SHR Prism's Journey to Dustrax CD RE NAJ JH WC CCA VC OD
Prism's Candlelit JourneyforLolabelle CGC
Prism's Journey's Opening Act WC CCA CGC
Prism's Journey on Cayuga CGC
Prism's Journey to Remember CGC
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD
Golden Pine Oh What A Night CDX RA OA NAJ CGC TDI SARA
CH Golden Pine's Pacific Panache CD
Golden Pine Night To Remember
Golden Pine Kelly O'Bayfield
CH Golden Pine Rio De Oro CD TD JH MX AXJ WC VC
Golden Pine's Uptown Girl
Golden Pine Select J Riesling
Can CH Rush-Hill's Goldmedal Ribbon Can CDX
CanCH Rush Hill's Struttin Sundae
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Sundae Jubilee
Am. CH Rush Hill's Ted E Bear Swirl CDX
Rush Hill's Heavenly Hash
Am./Can. CH Rush Hill's Revel At Allsgold OS Can SDHF
Am/Can CH Golden Pine Tres Cherrybrook CD JH WC OD
BIS BISS Am CH Suntory Loveit A Cherrybrook VCD1 CDX JH OA WC OS SDHF
Cherrybrook's Buffalo Bill
Cherrybrook's Bonny Belle
Cherrybrook's Abbey Road
Cherrybrook Lauren's Bogart
Cherrybrook's Abou Ben Adhems
Rachel's Solo MVP Contender CD RE JH WC VC CCA(mjr ptd)
Rachel's Dustprint Squeeze Play CDX RN CGC
Rachel's Ken's Bob Triple Play
OTCH U-CDX Centerfield Dustprint's MVP UDX4
Centerfield's Free Agent
Centerfield's Mr. October
Centerfield's Power Hitter
Centerfield's Donnybrook
Centerfield's Having a Rhubarb
Rachel's Just-So Endearing CDX

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