
Golden Retriever

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JD n Finley

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

JD n Finley
Shaffer T&T Raining Fire In The Skye SH, SHR
Shaffer Second to Aspen
Shaffer's Unshakable Faith
Shaffer's Golden Jessie
Shaffer The Sadie Princess Smucker
Shaffer's Csb Gusafinn
Shaffers Jackson Square of Oxford
Shaffers Dread Pirate Roberts CD BN CGCA
BR Maximus The Good Dog
Br's Evangeline CD RN MH BISS
U-CH BR's The Good Witch CD, RE, AXP, AJP, AG1, UR03
BR's Cash N Carry RN
BR's Heads or Tails CGC
BR Darling Clementine
BR's Tea For Two
BISS CH Nautilus Show Me The Money CDX RN OS SDHF
Nautilus Pearl Jam
Nautilus Todays Tom Sawyer
CH BR's The Katz Meow
BR Hawaiian Punch CD, RE
BR's Four Paw Rule
BR's Barley
CH BR Glenbrook Tell Me A Story CDX RAE SH WCX VC OD
Br's Wit-Tea Remark CGC
BR Change is Good
BR Glenbrook Cant Stop The Rain
BR Green Eggs and Ham
Am Can CH Glenbrook's Krypton Moon CD RA
Freedman's Seamus
Glenbrook's Goldie Moondancer
Glenbrook Luv U To The Moon CD RE OA NAJ CGC CCA
Gretta X
Glenbrooks Golden Moondancer
Sunshine's Moon Over Glenbrook
UAG1 UCD UCH Farm Fresh BR Faithfuly Yurs CDX RAE MX AXJ OD
Farm Fresh King Of The Coop
Shaffer II
Shaffer When Redemption Wins
Shaffer's Power of Hope CD RE HR
Emily Golden Colorado Sky CCA, CGC, TKN
Shaffer Clarion Wyoming Fire In The Skye
OTCH U-UD Morninglo Fire In The Sky UDX4 MH NA NAJ WCX VCX OS CanCD
Morninglo Ribbons and Lace UD SH WC CGC
HR U-CDX Morninglo Rough And Ready CDX SH RE WCX CGC
HRCH UH Morninglo Right On Target SH WCX
SHR Morninglo Jenny U Gentle Breeze JH WC
Morninglo Bonnie Blue Skies CD JH NA OAJ
Am. CH Tri Star Eat Your Heart Out SH WCX OS
Morninglo Rise And Shine UD MH WCX CGC OD
HR Morninglo Rainbow's End CD SH MX MXJ WCX
HRCH Morninglo's Top Gun CDX MH NA RN WCX CGC OS
Morninglo Paddington's Annie UD JH AX AXJ WCX VCX OD
HRCH Morninglo Pic Of The Glitter UD SH NA WCX
OTCH Morninglo Kentucky Bound UDX
Morninglo Celestial Explorer CDX JH OA OAJ WCX
Morninglo Dawn's Delight
Morninglo's Break O'Day JH WC
MACH Colabaugh's Morninglo Dillon UD TDX JH WC
Morninglo-Buttons And Bows UDX SH WCX
OTCH HRCH Morninglo Speaker Of House UDX TD MH OA NAJ
CH BR Gaitway Triple Threat CD RN SH WC VCX BISS
Gaitways Shining Star
UCH, CH BR's Overdraft Protection CDX, RE, UCD, UR01, BVOSS
Gaitways Grand Lexus

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