K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Dartmoor Alonso  (5/21/2015-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Dartmoor Alonso
HCG Helvet Can Usak
Helvet Can Vilard
ARG CH Del Helvet Can Xpencer
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02 [14 years]
FI CH Brookhill's Daddy's Hope
Follies Olympia
Tiffany Of Little By Little
Zhukov Del Helvet-Can
Rosanna of Little by Little
Del Helvet Can Veuve-Clicquot
Mallorn's Ursus Arctos
AM CH Visions I'm Able [6.5 years]
Mallorn's MMM Marabou
Kandicreme Katana
Rocheby Old Smokey [12.5 years]
Kandicreme Krismaskandel
Helvet Can Claire de Lune
Mallorn's Edition
FINW-03 Mailiksen Gentleman
SUCH FIUCH Strongline's Eternal Flame [10 years]
Ch. Mailiksen Lumikki
Mallorn's Madame Rochas
Mandamay Caretaker
FIN CH Mallorn's Poison
Kandicreme Kendo
Cornlands Perseus
Sh Ch Marmaduke Maximus at Cornlands JW
Cornlands Dusty Star
Kandicreme Kellington
Rocheby Old Smokey [12.5 years]
Kandicreme Krismaskandel
Dartmoor Amanda
AGCELGE Dartmoor Buxton [13 years]
GCEMIL Charm's Smokin Gun [10.5 years]
AmCH Acrewood Blue Heaven Law Man
Am/Can CH Acrewood's Due Me Justice CD WC
Acrewood Faithfully Yours
AmCH Hitmans Charm N Ginger Bear
BIS BISS Am Jap CH Ridge View Heartland Hit Man
AmCH Pine Edge Polar Honey Bear
GCE Haras de Malal Cahuelo [13.5 years]
GCIL Corhampton s Nogales Barleycorn
Am/CanCH Corhampton's Barley O'Brady CGN WC JH
CanCH Corhampton's Deja Vu
GCEL Bigsbrun's Ronda [12.5 years]
Udi Queijeiro
Bigsbrun s Elizabeth Arden
Ch. Gr. Dartmoor Connemara [12 years]
ARG GCH, ARG CH, INT CH, GBZ CH Del Helvet Can Vivaldi
FINW-03 Mailiksen Gentleman
SUCH FIUCH Strongline's Eternal Flame [10 years]
Ch. Mailiksen Lumikki
Cornlands Lady Aster
Cornlands Perseus
Cornlands Lady Crocus of Dreemskerry
Ch Helvet Can I've Got Dreams to Remember [12.5 years]
Kandicreme Kirkham
Rocheby Old Smokey [12.5 years]
Kandicreme Krismaskandel
Kenmillen Homewood of Cornlands
Sh Ch Marmaduke Maximus at Cornlands JW
Cornlans Lady Celastrus

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