K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Rock Steady Rifleman  (1998-)

Five generation pedigree:

Rock Steady Rifleman
FTCh Haskayne Moss of Glensue
Dargdaffin Benjie
FTW Duskie of Dargdaffin
FTCh Kelvinhead Magnum
FTCh Rumbleton Caper
Quicksilver Kelvinhead
Drakeshead Kay
FTCh Glencoin Drummer of Drakeshead
Staindrop Smut of Drakeshead
FTW Dargdaffin Anna
Lopi Darg Daffin
UK FTCh Sandringham Sydney
Bracken Darg Daffin
Malwell June of Dargdaffin
FTCh Kelvinhead Magnum
Drakeshead Ivy of Malwell
Haskayne Reaver
FTCh Pocklea Remus
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Brenjon Dirk of Drakeshead
Haretor Emma
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
FTCh Pocklington Ben
FTCh Drakeshead Anna
Galleydown Fern
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Pocklington Glen
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
FTCh Sandringham Magpie
Barnavara Water Beetle
FTCh Kenswick Hamish
FTCh Barnavara Minnow
Goscote Isla
Gwendley Firecracker of Sinfinmoor
GB.Ft.Ch. Carleyvale Flint of Dykraw
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Brenjon Dirk of Drakeshead
Haretor Emma
Carleyvale Hotspot By Faa
Mirk of Heatherburn
Trentlock Chance
Westhala Hell Raiser
Buddons Barnaby
FTCh Hedenhampark Dash of Philray
Arbury Jenny
Veraton Black Lace
UK FTCh Spudtamsons Berry of Mirstan
Veraton May Fair
Mistigris Tamarind of Goscote
UK FTCh Fieldcrest Thorn
Styleside Stubble
FTCh Drakeshead Scot of Pechasi
Nandojane of Styleside/Nando Jane of Styleside Ft.W.
Keythorpe Brindled Beauty of Fieldcrest
FTCh Veraton Viking
Keythorpe Suzanna
Mistigris Mellow Yellow
Lawnwoods Figaro of Larkville
GB CH Lawnwoods Midnight Folly
Lawnwoods Breakaway
Mistigris Willow the Wanderer
Styleside Venom
Cassandra Gayron at Mistigri

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