Labrador Retriever
Rock Steady Rifleman (1998-)
Five generation pedigree:
Rock Steady Rifleman
FTCh Haskayne Moss of Glensue
[BVA 0/0]
Dargdaffin Benjie
FTW Duskie of Dargdaffin
FTCh Kelvinhead Magnum
FTCh Rumbleton Caper
Quicksilver Kelvinhead
Drakeshead Kay
FTCh Glencoin Drummer of Drakeshead
Staindrop Smut of Drakeshead
FTW Dargdaffin Anna
[BVA 3/3]
Lopi Darg Daffin
UK FTCh Sandringham Sydney
Bracken Darg Daffin
Malwell June of Dargdaffin
FTCh Kelvinhead Magnum
Drakeshead Ivy of Malwell
Haskayne Reaver
FTCh Pocklea Remus
[BVA 6/7]
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Brenjon Dirk of Drakeshead
Haretor Emma
[ 0/0]
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
FTCh Pocklington Ben
FTCh Drakeshead Anna
Galleydown Fern
Eng.Nat.Ft.Ch. Pocklington Glen
FTCh Swinbrook Tan
FTCh Sandringham Magpie
Barnavara Water Beetle
[BVA 1/1]
FTCh Kenswick Hamish
FTCh Barnavara Minnow
Goscote Isla
Gwendley Firecracker of Sinfinmoor
GB.Ft.Ch. Carleyvale Flint of Dykraw
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Brenjon Dirk of Drakeshead
Haretor Emma
[ 0/0]
Carleyvale Hotspot By Faa
Mirk of Heatherburn
Trentlock Chance
Westhala Hell Raiser
Buddons Barnaby
FTCh Hedenhampark Dash of Philray
[ A1]
Arbury Jenny
Veraton Black Lace
UK FTCh Spudtamsons Berry of Mirstan
Veraton May Fair
Mistigris Tamarind of Goscote
[BVA 6/3]
UK FTCh Fieldcrest Thorn
[BVA 4/3]
Styleside Stubble
FTCh Drakeshead Scot of Pechasi
Nandojane of Styleside/Nando Jane of Styleside Ft.W.
Keythorpe Brindled Beauty of Fieldcrest
FTCh Veraton Viking
Keythorpe Suzanna
Mistigris Mellow Yellow
Lawnwoods Figaro of Larkville
[BVA 5:5]
GB CH Lawnwoods Midnight Folly
Lawnwoods Breakaway
Mistigris Willow the Wanderer
Styleside Venom
Cassandra Gayron at Mistigri
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