K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Tina of Ravenhill  (3/13/1955-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Tina of Ravenhill
Jet of Nanticoke Acres
Black Ruff of Dundridge
Mint of Barrington
F.T.Ch. Glenairlie Rover
Dalbeattie Tango ~1930
Lady Matilda
Wingan Daily Double
Odds On Ft.W.
Am.Ch. Orchardton Doris of Wingan Ft.W.
Cindy of Nightingale
Toby from Timber Town
Timber Town Timothy
Alibi of Timber Town
Belinda Kate
Speck Of Coatuit
Kansas Kate
Flip O'The Coin
Kim's Pride Too
Monte of Whitmore
Tad Of Whitmore
Pons Of Whitmore
Victory Lady
Castalia Pal
Shangri La Cinder
Chagrin Valley Dandy
Monte of Whitmore
Tad Of Whitmore
Pons Of Whitmore
Black Beauty of Bay
Jack of Whitmore
Bunty Of Harwood
Queenie Black of South Meadow
Tuck of Kentmere
Overleigh Jack
Overleigh King
Am.Ch. Drinkstone Pons of Wingan Ft.W.
Am.Ch. Belle (AKC 937161)
Overleigh Jill
Dan of Overleigh
Alby Gin And It
Overleigh Jill II
Hickery Bard
Overleigh Josephine
Regina of Lakewood
Ace of Hampshire
Coal Tar
Hiwood Nero
Saunder's Night Lights Joy
Duchess of Hampshire
Grain Belt Duke
Old Faithful
Lambert's Lakewood Ginger
Sunshine's Zephyr
Duke of Kampeska
Itasca Goldie
Sunshine's Susie Q
Duke of Kampeska
Sunshine's Golden Itasca

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