K9data.comNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

PL J CH, PL CH EvViva La Vita PRIMROSE EVERDEEN  (4/28/2013-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

C.I.E, GCH MNE, Multi CH, Multi JCH Whispering Reed's Jumper
US CH SE CH(N) LV CH LT CH Danbury KD's Lord of the Rings [12 years]
Landew's Galaxy Class
SHR Am/Can Ch Kylador's Galactic Schooner CD JH WC ROM [15.5 years]
Can CH Jem's Redstar Tobey CD
Can Ch Kylador's Barkentine Bailee [ years]
CAN CH Landew's Aurora Borealis CD WC
Ch Lonetree's Foxy Sagewood WC
Can Ch Landew's Cinnamon Star
Edlyn Danbury Rhapsody N Red [15 years]
ARBA Ch Westerlea Coast'l Tradewinds CD RN WCI Can CD WC ROMX [13.5 years]
Benili's Ghats [15 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Jane Eyre [14.5 years]
Edlyn Secondchance at Roslyn CGC [5 years]
HRCH U-UD CH Springvale's Roy'll Flush CDX MH WCX [10.5 years]
Danbury's Southern Fancy CD CGC TDI [10.5 years]
Whispering Reed's Guesswho [13 years]
NL D-VDH LUX SK CAN CH WW-02 Ynuittotem of Great Pleasure
D CH NL CH Rodravens V D Echtinger Grift [11 years]
Small Fetcher Asterix
Siphra's Indian Gem
Velvetlace of Great Pleasure [18 years]
D Ch VDH Ch LUX Ch Steady-Line's Summersnow [11.5 years]
Satin of Great Pleasure
Edenflower of Great Pleasure [8.5 years]
CAN LUX NL D-VHD CH Beinnbhreagh's Great Pleasure [7 years]
Ch Littleriver's Argus
Ch Ruaview Jewel of Beinnbhreagh
Ch Bellacuru of Great Pleasure
Ch SR Driftwood's Coastal Clipper CD RA JH WCI [12 years]
Ch Caltansis Foureign Piper Lass AGI, CGN
PL J CH, PL CH, Holland Club Winner 2012, European Veteran Winner'18 Red Hot Chilli's DAYDREAM OF VIVA [12.5 years]
Alliance de la Vie Rubra Canis Nolan [10.5 years]
CAN LUX NL D-VHD CH Beinnbhreagh's Great Pleasure [7 years]
Ch Littleriver's Argus
Can Ch Littleriver's Cassey
Littleriver's Lady In Red
Ch Ruaview Jewel of Beinnbhreagh
Can Ch Sehi's Little Breton CD WC [14.5 years]
Ch Tollbreton Cape Island Dory CDX WC [15.5 years]
Alliance de la Vie Picsou's Djingels
CAN LUX D-VDH NL SL POL CH Picsou des Delieuses
F Ch B Ch Littleriver's Digby [10.5 years]
Ice Lolly Des Delieuses
Alliance de la Vie Danish Amber
N DK NL LUX D VDH UCH Red-Tollers Van See
Alliance de la Vie Bracken's Disney
C.I.E., Ch SRB, VCh PL, Ch PL, JCh PL, CW, Poland Winner ILKA od Brendy z Serbinowa [12.5 years]
C.I.E PL CH I CH CRO CH Shaggy Toller's Shady Sherlock [14 years]
Beinnbhreagh's Innes On Hedera [12 years]
Ch Littleriver's Argus
Ch Ruaview Jewel of Beinnbhreagh
DKCH Flyingtollers Shady Sheila
Svenshills Jackpott
Flyingtollers Trixie
Mł Ch PL Georgia Virgo Vestalis
DKCH Hedera's Classic Look [6.5 years]
FIN CH FIN TRCH Nordwart Kassandros [9.5 years]
Hedera's Very Sexy One
Ch Pl Aurora Toller Bryvilsar
Ch Pl, j Ch Cz Buller (DKK06031/97)
j Ch Cz, CH Pl Shaggy Toller's Happy Hunter

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