
Golden Retriever

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RO1 USJ UWP NV NI NC PTA UKC CH Wsk's Iron Town Miner  (10/29/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

RO1 USJ UWP NV NI NC PTA UKC CH Wsk's Iron Town Miner
Golden Scout Chunky Peanut Butter
Golden Prince Simba Of Yale
Robertson's Golden Boy Copper
Am. Ch. Goldenshores Class Act BVIS
Am Ch Sandpoint Talisman OS
CanCH Goldenshores Bound for Glory
Kiss Of Fame (Buzi)
Am/Can Ch Northbay's Good Vibrations
Crystal Falls On With The Show
Robertson's Lady Daisy Of Jubilee
Am/Can CH GFA's Love Makes the World Go Round
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF
Am CH Northbay's Pineapple Suprise OD
Cascade;S Simply Irrestible
Am./Can. CH. Chien D'Or's Some Kind Of Sweetness CGC
Chien D'Or Cascade MT Sassy
Golden Princess Nala Of Yale
Kowalke's Golden Boy Diesel
Robertson's Golden Boy Jake
Jakes Golden Acres
Quinnlyn (SR28428110)
Robertson's Lady Callie Of Jubilee
Am/Can CH GFA's Love Makes the World Go Round
Cascade;S Simply Irrestible
Robertson's Lady Cassie
Lin Britt's Golden Dozer
Creekwood's Last Samurai
Sheza Golden Charm
Lin Britt's Star Light
Maxx Polzin
Linbritt's Annie Girl
Golden Alaska's Sweet Honey
Wards Cattail Mathis Tex
Harveys Dutch Narroway
Wards Cattail Luke
Full Moon's Arctic Timber
Wards Cattail Gypsey
Wards Cattail Tiger Lilly
Bardo's Big Max
Bardo's Lady Sady May
Wards Cattail Red Rosie
Golden Acres Alexander The Great
Golden Acres Mom's Brandi Girl
Wards Cattail Miss Molley
Wards Cattail Ely
Wards Cattail Luke
Full Moon's Arctic Timber
Wards Cattail Gypsey
Wards Cattail Lucy
Wards Cattail Duke
Cherveny's Sassy Sadie
Wards Cattail Graycee
Captian Morgan Rupps
Cherveny's Sassy Shiloh
Ward's Frosty
Norton's Bit Of A Smidgeon

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