
Golden Retriever

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OTCH Tanbark's Autumn Spice Girl Kayla UDX BN GN RAE  (9/26/2009-)

Call name:"Kayla"
Country of origin:USA
Country of residence:Unknown
Registration:AKC SR59103204
Breeder:Yvonne Piefer
Owner:Jacqueline and Ray Sperlbaum
Image:(none) [Click to link an image]


OTCH Tanbark's Autumn Spice Girl Kayla UDX BN GN RAE
OTCH High Times Wild Turkey UDX10 SH OGM U-UD OS OBHF
Timberee At Monument Canyon CDX MH20 ** WCX OS
Am CH Brae Lea King Of The Road OS
Can. CH. Cameo Dreams At Willowbryar
OTCH46 High Times Belvedere's Duck Soup UDX17 OM4 MH *** MX MXJ OD
High Times Run'n The Roost UD MH 47 WCX *** OS
Belvedere's Absolute MH WCX ** OD
Tanbark's True Colors OD
FC AFC Glenhaven HTRS MN Baronet MH OS FDHF
AFC Glenhaven Devil's Advocate UDT MH WCX OS FDHF
Hunters Moon Tam O Shanter ** OD
OTCH Tanbark's Something's Burnin UDX15 OD OBHF
FC FTCH AFTCH Cedarpond Brasdor Skywalker OS Can. FDHF
Tanbark's Comin Around Again OD

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