Falco Star of Rotstein George Star of Rotstein Goldy Star of Rotstein Grace Star of Rotstein Gabina Star of Rotstein Gloria Star of Rotstein Finn Star of Rotstein Flow Star of Rotstein Flynn Star of Rotstein Fiona Star of Rotstein Frissie Star of Rotstein Fibi Star of Rotstein Fanny Star of Rotstein | JCh CZ, SK, CZ CH Maxipes Fik Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0) Maxipes Fík Chlupaté štěstí (FCI 0) Majdalenka Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0) Monty Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0) Matylda Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0) Monte Carlo Chlupate stesti Matysek Chlupate stesti Malaika Chlupate stesti | | Conny Star of Rotstein (FCI 0/0) Carry Star of Rotstein Clyde Star of Rotstein Cody Star of Rotstein Connie Star of Rotstein Candy Star of Rotstein Cassidy Star of Rotstein Celebrity Star of Rotstein Cessie Star of Rotstein Cora Star of Rotstein Cristy Star of Rotstein Darius Star of Rotstein Dasty Star of Rotstein Dastyn Star of Rotstein Deny Star of Rotstein Dino Star of Rotstein Don Star of Rotstein Dafne Star of Rotstein Daisy Star of Rotstein Dasha Star of Rotstein Dessi Star of Rotstein Dixi Star of Rotstein | JCh CZ, Ch Sk, CZ FTCh Atreus Flores Vitae U (0/0) IntCh. Ariadne Flores Vitae (OFA GR-EL27633F41-VPI) Artemis Flores Vitae (0/0) MCh, Ch CZ, SK, PL, A Ares Flores Vitae ''U'' (Club & Nat'l winner, Winner of Spec.show) (0/0) Adonis Flores Vitae (0/0) Asterios Flores Vitae With Palton CH Athena Flores Vitae (0/0) CH SLO Andromeda Flores Vitae U (0/0) ICH, CH CZ, JCH CZ, ClubCH CZ Apollon Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner (0/0) CH CZ, AT, JCH CZ Afrodite Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner (0/0) | | Antonia Estrella de Oro (DLK 0/0 (ED 0/0)) Aglaia Estrella de Oro (DLK 0/0 (ED 0/0)) Amelia Estrella de Oro (DLK 0/0 (ED 0/0)) Alonso Estrella de Oro Amigo Estrella de Oro | C.I.E., C.I.B., CH PL, CZ, SK, RUS, RKF, Club Winner of Russia Blaze Saltus (0/0) CH PL, JCH PL, ICH Britney Saltus Club Junior winner (0/0) Jimmie Saltus ze Zahrabske | CH PL,CZ, SK Dolores z Drouzkova (DLK 0/0 (ED A)) Denny z Drou?kova (0/0) Debbie z Drou?kova Dustin z Drou?kova |