
Golden Retriever

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Falco Star of Rotstein

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Falco Star of Rotstein
George Star of Rotstein
Goldy Star of Rotstein
Grace Star of Rotstein
Gabina Star of Rotstein
Gloria Star of Rotstein
Finn Star of Rotstein
Flow Star of Rotstein
Flynn Star of Rotstein
Fiona Star of Rotstein
Frissie Star of Rotstein
Fibi Star of Rotstein
Fanny Star of Rotstein
JCh CZ, SK, CZ CH Maxipes Fik Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0)
Maxipes Fík Chlupaté štěstí (FCI 0)
Majdalenka Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0)
Monty Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0)
Matylda Chlupate stesti (FCI 0/0)
Monte Carlo Chlupate stesti
Matysek Chlupate stesti
Malaika Chlupate stesti
Lux. Ch. & Swedish Showch. Golden Rose-Bay's Ambassador (0/0)
Golden Rose-Bay's Ashly (0/0)
Luxemburg Juniorchampion Golden Rose-Bay's Acapella (ED/0)
Geisha Noroy du Plessy
Jingle Noroy du Plessy (00)
Goya Noroy du Plessy (0:1)
ICH, MCH, MJCH, CZ Club CH, NordJW 2007 Pinkerly Quien Sabe Club winner, Club Junior win., Winner of Spec.sh. (0-0 BVA)
Junior Lux Ch. Pinkerly Que Si Que Non
C.I.E. Pinkerly Quizas Quizas Quizas
Pinkerly Que Pasa (0:0)
JCH CZ, FTCh CZ Benedictine Vetcare Bohemia National winner (0/0)
Bols Blue Vectare Bohemia
CH SK Bols Blue Vetcare Bohemia (0/0)
Beefeater Vetcare Bohemia (0/0)
Bacardi Vetcare Bohemia
Bourboune Vetcare Bohemia
Buster Beer Vetcare Bohemia
Baileys Vetcare Bohemia
Ballantine Vetcare Bohemia
Brandy Aillin Vetcare Bohemia (0/0)
Conny Star of Rotstein (FCI 0/0)
Carry Star of Rotstein
Clyde Star of Rotstein
Cody Star of Rotstein
Connie Star of Rotstein
Candy Star of Rotstein
Cassidy Star of Rotstein
Celebrity Star of Rotstein
Cessie Star of Rotstein
Cora Star of Rotstein
Cristy Star of Rotstein
Darius Star of Rotstein
Dasty Star of Rotstein
Dastyn Star of Rotstein
Deny Star of Rotstein
Dino Star of Rotstein
Don Star of Rotstein
Dafne Star of Rotstein
Daisy Star of Rotstein
Dasha Star of Rotstein
Dessi Star of Rotstein
Dixi Star of Rotstein
JCh CZ, Ch Sk, CZ FTCh Atreus Flores Vitae U (0/0)
IntCh. Ariadne Flores Vitae (OFA GR-EL27633F41-VPI)
Artemis Flores Vitae (0/0)
MCh, Ch CZ, SK, PL, A Ares Flores Vitae ''U'' (Club & Nat'l winner, Winner of Spec.show) (0/0)
Adonis Flores Vitae (0/0)
Asterios Flores Vitae With Palton
CH Athena Flores Vitae (0/0)
CH SLO Andromeda Flores Vitae U (0/0)
ICH, CH CZ, JCH CZ, ClubCH CZ Apollon Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner (0/0)
CH CZ, AT, JCH CZ Afrodite Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner (0/0)
Belg Sh Ch, VDH Ch, Su(u)Ch, Lux JCh. Dewmist Servantes Belgian Topwinning golden 2008 (ED 0)
C.I.E SEU(U)CH DKUCH DKW-09 Dewmist Serendipity (Clear)
Swe.Sh.Ch Dewmist Serenissima Obedience Champion (0/0 - (2007)- Swedish)
Dewmist Serrido SE VCH (2)
SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serrania (1)
HSCH Dewmist Serendica Derby winner (0 (2006))
NORDUCH, FinW-09 Dewmist Serrano (0/0)
ICH, CH, JCH Pinkerly Rain Or Shine Club Junior winner (0:0 BVA)
Pinkerly Rainbow's End (0:0 BVA)
Antonia Estrella de Oro (DLK 0/0 (ED 0/0))
Aglaia Estrella de Oro (DLK 0/0 (ED 0/0))
Amelia Estrella de Oro (DLK 0/0 (ED 0/0))
Alonso Estrella de Oro
Amigo Estrella de Oro
C.I.E., C.I.B., CH PL, CZ, SK, RUS, RKF, Club Winner of Russia Blaze Saltus (0/0)
CH PL, JCH PL, ICH Britney Saltus Club Junior winner (0/0)
Jimmie Saltus ze Zahrabske
CH PL,CZ, SK Dolores z Drouzkova (DLK 0/0 (ED A))
Denny z Drou?kova (0/0)
Debbie z Drou?kova
Dustin z Drou?kova

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