Falco Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21478) George Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/22954) Goldy Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/22955) Grace Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/22958) Gabina Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/22956) Gloria Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/22957) Finn Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21479) Flow Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21480) Flynn Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21481) Fiona Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21485) Frissie Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21486) Fibi Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21484) Fanny Star of Rotstein (FCI ČLP/GR/21483) | JCh CZ, SK, CZ CH Maxipes Fik Chlupate stesti (FCI ČLP/GR/ 17811) Maxipes Fík Chlupaté štěstí (FCI ČLP/GR/17811/17) Majdalenka Chlupate stesti Monty Chlupate stesti (FCI ČLP/GR/) Matylda Chlupate stesti Monte Carlo Chlupate stesti Matysek Chlupate stesti Malaika Chlupate stesti | | Conny Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18346) Carry Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18338) Clyde Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18339) Cody Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18340) Connie Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18341) Candy Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18342) Cassidy Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18343) Celebrity Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18344) Cessie Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18345) Cora Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18347) Cristy Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18348) Darius Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18854) Dasty Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18855) Dastyn Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18856) Deny Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18857) Dino Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18858) Don Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18859) Dafne Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18860) Daisy Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18861) Dasha Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18862) Dessi Star of Rotstein (FCI CLP/GR/18863) Dixi Star of Rotstein (CLP/GR/18864) | JCh CZ, Ch Sk, CZ FTCh Atreus Flores Vitae U IntCh. Ariadne Flores Vitae (AKC SR59581101) Artemis Flores Vitae MCh, Ch CZ, SK, PL, A Ares Flores Vitae ''U'' (Club & Nat'l winner, Winner of Spec.show) Adonis Flores Vitae Asterios Flores Vitae With Palton CH Athena Flores Vitae (FCI ČLP/GR/13439) CH SLO Andromeda Flores Vitae U ICH, CH CZ, JCH CZ, ClubCH CZ Apollon Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner CH CZ, AT, JCH CZ Afrodite Flores Vitae Club Junior Winner | | Antonia Estrella de Oro (FCI CLP/GR/14056) Aglaia Estrella de Oro (FCI CLP/GR/14054) Amelia Estrella de Oro (FCI CLP/GR/14055) Alonso Estrella de Oro (FCI CLP/GR/14052) Amigo Estrella de Oro (FCI CLP/GR/14053) | C.I.E., C.I.B., CH PL, CZ, SK, RUS, RKF, Club Winner of Russia Blaze Saltus (Other CLP/GR/11208) CH PL, JCH PL, ICH Britney Saltus Club Junior winner Jimmie Saltus ze Zahrabske (FCI HR 12878) | CH PL,CZ, SK Dolores z Drouzkova (FCI ČLP/GR/10792) Denny z Drou?kova (Other CLP/GR/10790) Debbie z Drou?kova Dustin z Drou?kova |