
Golden Retriever

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Magnum Sanitacteam Day

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Magnum Sanitacteam Day
Miguelo Sanitacteam Day
Melissa Sanitacteam Day
ChSRB / ChNMK / WT Mirando Sanitacteam Day (FCI ED0-FCI 2022)
Marilyn Sanitacteam Day
Sleepysong Leontino (FCI ED 0)
Sleepysong Lindsay (OFA GR-EL49033F24-VPI)
Sleepsong Liliana
Sleepysong Leona (OFA GR-EL49252F24-PI)
SrbCH, WT Sleepysong Lizbeth (FCI ED - 0)
Sleepysong Laura
Sleepysong Langstone
Alibren Galileo To Westervane JW SGWC (0/0)
Alibren Kimberella JW (0)
Fenpinque Romeo (0/0)
Fenpinque Glitterbabe of Ramchaine (0/0)
Fenpinque Glitterspelle (1)
Fenpinque Will I'am Shardanell (BVA 0)
Sh Ch Alibren Tiggy Wiggy JW (0/0)
It JCh Alibren Toronado (FCI 0-0)
Alibren Sole Power (00)
Alibren Hot Spice For Ashiqua JW (0/0)
Alibren Noble Mission To Westervane JW
Sleepysong Photo Love (FCI ED 0)
Sleepysong Provansa (OFA GR-EL47409F25-VPI)
SleepySong Prudense (OFA GR-EL47408F25-VPI)
Sleepysong Philomena (FCI 0)
Sleepysong Paradise
Ch Srb Sleepysong Photographer (FCI ED 0)
Ch Srb Sleepysong Pocahontas (FCI ED 0)
Sleepysong Phantom Of The Don
Sleepysong Phoenix
Sleepysong Phonograph (FCI ED-BL)
Cro JCh, Sh Ch, V-WW'12,INT CH Fiveshill Sound Reason (FCI 0:0)
Ch Srb Vine Illusion Sleepysong (ED 0/1)
Vineyard Hill Harmony (OFA GR-EL31645F31-VPI)
JChMNE, WT Disco Sanitacteam Day (FCI ED0-2019)
Delta Sanitacteam Day (FCI ED0-2019)
Dylan Sanitacteam Day
Destiny Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-EL50102F24-VPI)
Dexter Sanitacteam Day
Dolly Sanitacteam Day
JChMNE, WT Davos Sanitacteam Day (FCI ED0 2019)
Diamond Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-EL50350F24-VPI)
Denver Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-EL50858M25-VPI)
SRB/MNE/MAK El Magnifico Sanitacteam Day (FCI EDO FCI 2017)
Eliot Sanitacteam Day
Edison Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-EL40694M24-VPI)
Elton Sanitacteam Day
Elvin Sanitacteam Day (OFA GR-EL41605M24-VPI)
RoJCh, RoCH, SrbCH Moondust Highlander (ED 0)
Australian CH Moondust Glenlivit (AVA 0:0)
Moondust Abelour (0:0)
JChRus,ChRus,JChNGRC,ChNGRC,ChRKF Moondust Delmoss (0/0)
JchUa, Mol, Breed, Ch UA, Mol, Bir, Bes Moondust Faberge
JCH Moondust Estacy (ED 0)
Moondust Tarquin (OFA GR-EL36115M24-VPI)
Moondust Scapa
Moondust Caol Ila
Moondust Aberfeldy
Moondust Talisker (0 (AVEPA))
Multi BIS.Ina.Ch. Moondust Scappa
SRB/Field Trial Fiveshill Gabriela (FCI ED0 FCI 2013)
Fiveshill Bernardo
WT Dyana Sanitacteam Day (FCI ED0 2015)
Dastin Sanitacteam Day
David Sanitacteam Day
InterMultiCh.Srb. Simonis Dunny Dean (FCI ED0/0 2008)
Simonis Brad
Simonis Breetha
ChMNE Norrybell Sanitacteam Day (FCI ED0 2011)
Nickienight Sanitacteam Day (ED0)
Nancylight Sanitacteam Day

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