
Golden Retriever

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Fare's Hornby Henerson

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Fare's Hornby Henerson (CKC LL753486)
Ambercroft's Michael Jack'son (CKC LL753469)
Buddy Holly at the Fare (CKC LL753482)
An April A'Fare (CKC L753491)
Ride the Calliope at the Fare (CKC LL753492)
Fare's Grace in Motion (CKC LL769196)
Sir Lancelot of Fare (CKC LL753473)
Sir Winston Of Fare (CKC LL753478)
Fare Paw Prints (CKC LL753489)
Can. Ch Ambercroft Indian Jack Jacobs (CKC FW413095)
CanCH Ambercroft Sentimental Journey (AKC SN453437/01)
Am/Can.Ch Gowrielea's Grand Larceny (AKC SN331338/01)
Gowrielea's Going Ballistic (CKC CS131121)
Gowrielea's Honey Rose CanCD (CKC CN201391)
Am/Can.Ch. Gowrielea's Far'N Away (AKC SN086563/01)
Can. CH Gowrielea's Far Fetch'd (AKC SN190174/01)
Gowrielea Ambercroft's Far Lee (CKC AE983261)
Can.CH Gowrielea's Spencer Sebastian (CKC AE983263)
Can Ch. Nautilus Move'n Violation Can.CD (AKC SM89876803)
Ch. Nautilus Presumed Innocent (AKC SM89876806)
Nautilus La Grand Creuser (AKC SM89876802)
Nautilus Hitchcocks Topaz (AKC SM89876804)
Nautilus Lady Donnay (AKC SM89876805)
Can Ch Ambercroft's Let's Celebrate (CKC AN040485)
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS (AKC SF877338 (11/91))
Faera's The Kidd's Credentials (AKC SF-371599)
Faera's Future Finesse (AKC SF-874372)
Faera's Future Looks Rosy (AKC SF-877337)
Faera's Future Vsop (AKC SF-888756)
Faera's Future Windsong (AKC SF-877692)
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Forever A Kidd CD CGC (AKC SF-426073)
Am. CH Faera's Razzle Dazzle's Kidd (AKC SF-307590)
Faera's Future Classy Cassy (AKC SF-912979)
Am CH Faera's The Keepsake Kidd OD (AKC SF371586 (12/90))
BIS Am Ch. Faera's Destiny Kodiak Kidd OS SDHF (AKC SF367893 (9/90))
Ambercroft's Holly's Acton Up (CKC SG506622)
Ambercroft's My Fare Lady (CKC JA592844)
Ambercroft's Going to the Fare (CKC JA603733)
CanCH Meredreme Thorn Among the Roses (CKC 1066474)
Meredreme Stowaway's Jasmine (AKC SN31665904)
Am. CH. Edgehill Sudden Impact OS (AKC SN059223/05)
CanCH Edgehill Twice As Nice (AKC SN20604306)
Edgehill Elite Repeat (AKC SN206043/05)
Am. CH Edgehill Naughty By Nature (AKC SN059223/10)
Edgehill Rags To Riches (AKC SN059223/01)
Am. CH Edgehill Rich And Famous (AKC SN059223/02)
Am. CH Edgehill Strike It Rich (AKC SN059223/03)
Edgehill Timberee Tinker (AKC SN059223/07)
Am CH Edgehill Teran's Frat-Rush OS (AKC SN05922306)
Am/Can CH Edgehill Masters C N Double OD (AKC SN206043/02)
Edgehill Repeat The Beat (AKC SN206043/07)
Edgehill Duplicate Design (AKC SN206043/04)
Edgehill Destiny's Kodiak Cub (AKC SN206043/01)
Tangleloft Annabelle Lee (AKC SN08419903)
Ambercroft's Haley's Fire (EC285856)
Can Ch Racers Bingo Was His Name O (AKC SE954670)
Ambercroft's All Fired Up (CKC AG054949)

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