Dora From Monadele Dan From Monadele Dusty From Monadele Debbie from Monadele | Ch CZ, Ch Pl, Vetch CZ Power of Love Brdske zlato U (FCI 0/0, OCD clear) Power of Heart Brdske zlato Power of Rain Brdske zlato (0:0) Power of Sunshine Brdske zlato (FCI 0/0) Power to Hunt Brdske zlato Grand CH SK, CH SK & HU & RO Power of Gold Brdské zlato (FCI 0/0, OCD: clear) Power of Hope Brdske zlato CZ JCh., PL Ch., CZ hunting CH Power of Sol Brdske zlato (FCI 0:0) | | Kiss From Billy Rusty Love (FCI 0/0) Jch CZ, CH PL,HUN Kiss Me Quick Rusty Love (0/0, OCD free) JCH CZ CH PL Kiss and Tell Rusty Love 2nd and res. winner at Crufts 2016 (0/0) Kiss The Frog Rusty Love Kiss for Luck Rusty Love (0/0) CH CZ Kiss This Lad Rusty Love U (0/0, OCD clear) | ENG SH CH. Putjade Pajazzo Eng Sh Ch Putjade Partypingla at Thornywait JW Putjade Pink Diamonds For Lovissa JW | | JCH CZ,SK CH CZ,PL,SK GrandCH SK,CZ Call Me Lucky Rusty Love (0/0) JCH.SR Call Me Cecille Rusty Love (3/3) Call Me Anthony Rusty Love (0/0) | CH CZ/SK/PL/AT/MNG, JCH CZ/SK/PL Fiddle-De-Dee's Morris Traveller AT Double CH09, Club Winner (BIS), CJW (0/0) | CZ CH Werra Misantos National Winner (0/0) Westa Misantos Club Junior winner Wellington Misantos Wizard Misantos Wanderdog Misantos Woodbyne Misantos Wasabi Misantos INTERCh, GRANDCh,ClubCh, JChCZ,ChCZ,ChD(VDH),ChSK Watterloo Misantos 5xNational Winner, Club Winner,BIS, 10x BOB (ED A/A, DLK 0/0) Issu Misantos Artemis Gold Isis Artemis Gold 2X CAC, KV (ED 0/0) CH CZ JCH CZ Wrangler Misantos ''U'' (0/0) Wendy Misantos |