
Golden Retriever

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Shoreland Ace In The Hole

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Shoreland Ace In The Hole (OFA GR-56790G25M)
Shoreland's Gidget
Shoreland's Shining Sabra
U-CDX Shorelands Gotta Wild Stride UD (OFA GR-60707G37M)
OTCH Shoreland's How Time Flys UDX NA NAJ (OFA GR58409G31M (Good))
Shoreland Roscoe Rules CD NA (OFA GR-56524F24M)
Shoreland's Rocky Top (OFA GR-56571G24M)
Shoreland Tasmanian Devil (OFA GR-56791G25F)
Shoreland's Cut Above UDX (OFA GR-56734G26M)
Wild Wind Keepin In Step CDX (OFA GR-45262G42M)
Wildwind's Keepin In Zip CD TDX JH WC
Wildwind's Keepin-Up Zoey CD
OTCh Wildwinds Keepin N Hot Water UDX OA Can CDX
Wildwinds Keepin N' Zane OD
OTCH Wildwind Keepin In Suspense UDX JH WCX OD (OFA GR-45055G41F)
OTCH Meadowpond Keepin In Stride OS OBHF (OFA GR-31642G78M)
U-OCH Can OTCH Meadowpond Sweet Suki UDX JH WCX Can JH WC (equivocal at age 2)
OTCH Meadowpond Gold Dust Of Jenin
Meadowpond Rocky MTN High II
Meadowpond Thistleloch Sara CanCD
Mitch Of Brownwood
Can OTCH Meadowpond Highland Dancer Can WC Am CD
Meadowpond Tasha Am/Can CDX
Meadowpond Captain January (OFA GR-54702G107M)
Am CH Meadowpond Crowd Pleaser CDX OS (OFA GR-12425G)
Meadowpond Tinker Belle CD (OFA GR-13456)
Wynwood's Brookshire Dandy CDX
Brookshire's Pacesetter
Meadowpond Son of Brookshire
Meadowpond Widgeon Golden Bo CDX
Heron Acres Meadowpond Gofer CDX JH WC OD (OFA GR-13575 Good)
Can. CH. Heron Acres Windfall Am./Can. CD WCX (OFA GR-13487 (normal))
CH Heron Acres Ananda CDX WCX (OFA GR-13898 Normal)
Sandyhills Cracklin Wildwind CD OD (OFA GR-32021G24F)
Sandyhill's Gonna Keeper CD TDX (OFA GR-32881G27F-T)
Sandyhill Gold Star Express UD TDX JH WCX
Sandyhill's Lavender N Lace UD TD
Sandyhill Probable Cause MH WCX (OFA GR-46915F39F)
Sandyhill's Good Time Carly VCD2 UD RN MX MXJ CanCDX TDX AGI
Am/Can OTCh Sandyhill Logan UDX TDX MX JH WC OBHF OS (OFA GR-32061G24M-T)
Sandyhill Margarita Rose CD JH WC
Can OTCH Sandyhill's Semper Fi UD TD JH AX
Prince Connor of Sandyhill UD MX MXJ (OFA GR-42692G25M-T)
Am./Can. OTCH Altair's Dune Mirage TDX SH WCX VCX OS OBHF (OFA GR-16245)
OTCh Altair's Sardaukar Sadie OBHF OD (OFA GR-13194-T)
Altair's Stitch In Time Am UD Can CD (OFA GR-16272)
Altair's Echoing Glory Daiz UD
Altair's Star Of Orion UD JH WCX
Sandyhill's Curry Can Do CD TD OD (OFA GR-25394G26F)
Shoreland's Ya Gotta Have It UD OD (OFA GR-46731G26F)
Shoreland Inverness MZ Behavn (OFA GR-47848G29F)
Shoreland Abigail Rose
Shoreland's New Moon Rising
Shoreland Boomerang
Shoreland Marley
Shoreland's Restless Heart Am UD, OA Can CDX (OFA GR-46343G25F)
Shoreland Solid Gold Express UD, CanCDX
OTCH Stardust Shine On Brightly UDX, OBHF
OTCH Stardust April Rain UDX OBHF
OTCH Stardust Illusion UDX OBHF NA
Stardust's Autumn Skye CDX TDX OD (OFA GR-26940G24F)
Stardust High Steppin' Heidi UD
OTCh Stardust Rainier Rocky OBHF OS (OFA GR-27826G27M)
OTCH Stardust's Hyegold Prime Tyme JH WC
OTCh Meadowpond Stardust Reggie OS OBHF (OFA GR-15839-T)
Meadowpond High Fly'g Banner CDX (OFA GR-16020-T)
Meadowpond Tip N Top Can CD Am CDX
Meadowpond Rough and Ready CDX (OFA GR-16876-T)
OTCh Altair's Sardaukar Sadie OBHF OD (OFA GR-13194-T)
Altair's Stitch In Time Am UD Can CD (OFA GR-16272)
Altair's Echoing Glory Daiz UD
Altair's Star Of Orion UD JH WCX
Am./Can. OTCH Altair's Dune Mirage TDX SH WCX VCX OS OBHF (OFA GR-16245)
Shoreland's Stryper (OFA GR-29772G24F)
Brush Run Sasafras CDX JH (OFA GR-35707F25F-T)
Brush Run Nisha Nicole (OFA GR-35438F24F)
OTCH Shorelands Easy Does It WC OS OBHF (OFA GR-15187 Normal)
Shoreland's Golden Tasha UD
Shorelands Acadia Kate (OFA GR-25266G26F)
Shoreland's Royale Flush CDX (OFA GR-33567G29M)
Shoreland's Dealers Choice (SF683809) CD (OFA GR-32200G24M)
Shoreland's Golly Miss Molly OD (OFA GR-32070G24F)

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