
Golden Retriever

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Gsr's High Velocity CGC

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Gsr's High Velocity CGC
Gsr's N Bryeridge Aim High.. Fly Fight Win
GSR's High Voltage CGC
BISS GCHB Am CH Int'l RBIS Dalane Rose Tree Whirlwind Romance RN CA CGC TKN DJ DS OS
CH Dalane TopSpin Black Tie Optional
Dalane Crash The Party In London
Dalane Hit Me With Your Best Shot BCAT
BISS Am GCH Am/Can CH Yukon's Turn The Page Am/Can OS
Am. Can. Ch. Yukon's Road House
BISS CH Bravo's Old Spice SDHF OS
Bravo Sheffield Sex On The Beach
CH Bravo's Paco Rabanne
Am/Can/Int'l CH Bravo HuntChase Alabama Slammer
BISS CH Bravo Apollo's Southern Comfort SDHF OS
Bravo's Chanel Allure JH
CH Bravo's Bahama Mama
Am. Can. CH Thornelea Yukon's Reba
Thorneleas Indiana
CAN Ch. Dalane-Golden Hills Perchance To Dream OD
Ch. Dalane-Razzle A Rose By Any Other Name
CH Dalane Double Double Toil & Trouble
Dalane A Forgone Conclusion CGC
BIS,BISS Am GCHP Rush Hill's Drama'geddon RN JH WC RATO (SDHF, OS)
AKC GRCH/ UKC GRCH / Int'l CH Rush Hill's Go'N Ta Speak Widda Accent CCA, U-BIS
AmCH Rush Hill's Whole Lotta Shak'N Go'N On OD
Rush Hill's Going Shopping Again
BISS AmGCH Rush Hill's Go'N For The Good Times
Am CH Rush Hill's Dramatic Entrance JH WC
Rush Hill's Ruger With A Little Bit Of Drama
Can. CH. Rush Hill's When the Go'ing Gets Tuff RE SH NJP WCX VC
MexCh Rush Hill's No More Drama
GCH Dalane Pleasure Is My Business OD
Ch. Dalane The Performer
Dalane The Performer II
Ch. Dalane The Big Game
Dalane The Big Wheel
CH Dalane Topspin Charm And Harm
GSR's Stars N Stripes CGCA CGCU TKA
GSR's Down By The River
GCH Gemini's Wonder Boy SH, WC, CA, BCAT, TKN, DMA
BIS GCH Gemini's Maverick O'Malley
GCHB CH Gemini's Tranquil Rain BCAT CGC TKN
Gemini's Preachin' To The Choir
Gemini's Great Expectations
C-R Gemini's Read All About It JH
C-R Gemini's Read Between the Lines RN
GSR's Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken CGCA CGCU TKA
AM. GCH AM/UKC CH. Chateau's Spit N Polish RN, CGC
Chateau's Polished CD
Int Nat CH GSR's Stealing The Spotlight CGCA CGCU

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