
Golden Retriever

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Great Meadows Chelsea

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Great Meadows Chelsea
Golden Jamaica Lady
Jason's Golden Girl
Sir Savalas South
Great Meadow's Eli
Great Meadow's Dilly Ducker
Gulph Mills Golden Rip
Honey of Isle Au Haut
Scupper (SA689066)
Penobscot Sailor
Abol's Rusty Rebel
AmCH Au-Bit-Sea
Norumbega's Golden Rip
Becky Dee
AmCH Au-Bit-Sea
Gulph Mills Golden Rip
Honey of Isle Au Haut
Scupper (SA689066)
Penobscot Sailor
Abol's Rusty Rebel
Great Meadow's Dilly Ducker
Norumbega's Golden Rip
Becky Dee
Alvina Heather Pard
Lady Candace III
Melissa McCartney (OFA GR-3131)
Ulysse (SB071527)
King Leo-Pard
Mr Chips Of Cottonwood Hill
Shieba Of Cottonwood Hill
Tonya Of Cottonwood Hill
Lord Dandy Of Springhills
Jacquline Of Robin Way CD ***
Hayden's Friar Tuck **
Beau Brummel of Williamsburg CD
Kurth's Little Nipper
Kurth's Flashy Susette
Melissa Of Sunnyhills Farm
Buff of Springhills
Smoke Ring Ginger
Lady Dianne of Robin Way
Lady Lorigold
Sandy Boy II (SA705395)
Sandy Babe's Moses
Teddy Bear X
Kori Of Cottonwood Hill
M Q's Ralph
Walden Of Camelot
Maiden Of Camelot
Sandy Babe
Col-Sunny Roamer Of Anselmo
Queen Bay

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