
Golden Retriever

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Great Meadows Chelsea

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Great Meadows Chelsea (AKC SB733445 (5/82))
Golden Jamaica Lady (AKC SC033854 (4/1979))
Jason's Golden Girl (AKC SC298929 (1-79))
Sir Savalas South (AKC SB812875 08-78)
Great Meadow's Eli (AKC SA947778 (6-73))
Great Meadow's Dilly Ducker (AKC SA766729 (10/71))
Gulph Mills Golden Rip (AKC SA621756 (7/69))
Honey of Isle Au Haut (AKC SA691761 (7/1972))
Scupper (SA689066) (AKC SA689066 (5/71))
Penobscot Sailor (AKC SA730009 (11/71))
Abol's Rusty Rebel (AKC SA728146 (5/1974))
AmCH Au-Bit-Sea (AKC SA569552 (10/71))
Norumbega's Golden Rip (AKC SA384770 12-67)
Becky Dee (AKC SA451553 12-67)
AmCH Au-Bit-Sea (AKC SA569552 (10/71))
Gulph Mills Golden Rip (AKC SA621756 (7/69))
Honey of Isle Au Haut (AKC SA691761 (7/1972))
Scupper (SA689066) (AKC SA689066 (5/71))
Penobscot Sailor (AKC SA730009 (11/71))
Abol's Rusty Rebel (AKC SA728146 (5/1974))
Great Meadow's Dilly Ducker (AKC SA766729 (10/71))
Norumbega's Golden Rip (AKC SA384770 12-67)
Becky Dee (AKC SA451553 12-67)
Alvina Heather Pard (AKC SB359539 (7-75))
Lady Candace III (AKC SB447826 (4/76))
Melissa McCartney (AKC SB220942 06-76)
Ulysse (SB071527) (AKC SB071527 (4/74))
King Leo-Pard (AKC SA873921 (11/71))
Mr Chips Of Cottonwood Hill (AKC SA873743 (11/71))
Shieba Of Cottonwood Hill (AKC SA873741 (8/71))
Tonya Of Cottonwood Hill (AKC SA873742 (7/71))
Lord Dandy Of Springhills (AKC SA388905 (5/71))
Jacquline Of Robin Way CD *** (AKC SA365753 (9/68))
Hayden's Friar Tuck ** (AKC SA403254 (2/1974))
Beau Brummel of Williamsburg CD (AKC SA532855 (9/68))
Kurth's Little Nipper (AKC SA543687 (9/68))
Kurth's Flashy Susette (AKC SA543686 (10/68))
Melissa Of Sunnyhills Farm (AKC SA806647 (5/71))
Buff of Springhills (AKC SA730124 (9-71))
Smoke Ring Ginger (AKC SA727009 (7/70))
Lady Dianne of Robin Way (AKC SA668491 (3-70))
Lady Lorigold (AKC SA737207 (11/70))
Sandy Boy II (SA705395) (AKC SA705395 (11/70))
Sandy Babe's Moses (AKC SA804327 (5/73))
Teddy Bear X (AKC SB012687 (11/73))
Kori Of Cottonwood Hill (AKC SB076371 (3/1973))
M Q's Ralph (AKC SA581580 (11/1969))
Walden Of Camelot (AKC SA587995 (4/71))
Maiden Of Camelot (AKC SA587995 (4-71))
Sandy Babe (AKC SA532899 (9/68))
Col-Sunny Roamer Of Anselmo (AKC SA744903 (9/70))
Queen Bay (AKC SA532900 (10-68))

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