Elizabeth Queen Gold Heart ChSK EBBY Gold heart (A/A) | IntCh, MultCh, ChSK, GrChSK, ChSRB, GrChSR, ChUA Evidog Kasino Evidog Kiwi (ED 0/0) Evidog Kayla (BVA 0:0) Dutch JCH / VDH-JCH Evidog Kartago RheinlandPfalz-Sieger '13/Jug. Sieger Rostock '11 (ED 0/0) | | JCH SK, CH SK BEST QUEEN My Joy (FCI EB 0/0) Brooklyn My Joy Grd CH,CH,SK, CZ JCH SK Bailey Boy My Joy BOB, Cacib, National Winner (DLK 0/0) Bono My Joy (DLK 0/0) Boddy Boy My Joy CH SK Bella My Joy (Club Winner '13) (FCI 0/0) | UK Sh.Ch. International Sh Ch, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Luxembourg Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres VDH.CH.Ger.Jun.Ch W'2008 Jacob of the Hellacious Acres (0-0) Bailey of the Hellacious Acres German VDH Ch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres | | CH CZ SK, JCH CZ SK Funny Girl The Dream Team (National Winner) (ED 0 DLK 0/0) Florence the Dream Team Felicity The Dream Team (OFA 0/0) Fellini the Dream Team CH.SK.&Hu.&Pl.&Slo. + JCH.Hu.&Slo.&Cro.&Mne. Flaming the Dream Team (ED 0 DLK 0/0) | CH Dewmist Silkchaser (UA (9/22/2003)) Isr. Ch. dewmist Silkmorency Dewmist Silkcharade Dewmist Silkshooter NordJW, Swe Sh CH, DK Sh CH, INT Sh CH (C.I.E) Dewmist Silkmarillion (Unknown 0/0) Dewmist Silkjourney (0:0 BVA) Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07 (0/0 (2003)) | ICh, MCh, MJCh Ordoghegyi Berni Eni Tara (0/0) Ordoghegyi-Berni Kitty Ordoghegyi-Berni Zoe Magic HSCH Ordoghegyi Berni Eddy (ED0) |