Elizabeth Queen Gold Heart ChSK EBBY Gold heart | IntCh, MultCh, ChSK, GrChSK, ChSRB, GrChSR, ChUA Evidog Kasino (UKU0185060) Evidog Kiwi Evidog Kayla (AKC SR70164301 (8-12)) Dutch JCH / VDH-JCH Evidog Kartago RheinlandPfalz-Sieger '13/Jug. Sieger Rostock '11 (FCI NHSB.2816309) | | JCH SK, CH SK BEST QUEEN My Joy (FCI SPKP 2457) Brooklyn My Joy Grd CH,CH,SK, CZ JCH SK Bailey Boy My Joy BOB, Cacib, National Winner (FCI SPKP 2452) Bono My Joy Boddy Boy My Joy CH SK Bella My Joy (Club Winner '13) (FCI SPKP 2456/12) | UK Sh.Ch. International Sh Ch, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Luxembourg Ch Barnum of the Hellacious Acres VDH.CH.Ger.Jun.Ch W'2008 (Other NHSB 2534914) Jacob of the Hellacious Acres Bailey of the Hellacious Acres German VDH Ch Jacquetta of the Hellacious Acres | | CH CZ SK, JCH CZ SK Funny Girl The Dream Team (National Winner) (Other SPKP 1853) Florence the Dream Team Felicity The Dream Team (Other PKR.VIII-18607) Fellini the Dream Team (Other SPKP 1850) CH.SK.&Hu.&Pl.&Slo. + JCH.Hu.&Slo.&Cro.&Mne. Flaming the Dream Team (Other ČLP/GR/10861) | CH Dewmist Silkchaser (Other SwedKC# S56842/2002) Isr. Ch. dewmist Silkmorency Dewmist Silkcharade (S56844/2002) Dewmist Silkshooter (Other S56839/2002) NordJW, Swe Sh CH, DK Sh CH, INT Sh CH (C.I.E) Dewmist Silkmarillion Dewmist Silkjourney (Other s56841-2002) Vice-WW'06, Swe Sh Ch, Norw Ch, Pl Ch, Lv Ch Dewmist Silkventure SweW-06-07-08-09, LvW-07 (Other S56843/2002) | ICh, MCh, MJCh Ordoghegyi Berni Eni Tara (Other SPKP/782/01) Ordoghegyi-Berni Kitty (Other 8492/02) Ordoghegyi-Berni Zoe Magic HSCH Ordoghegyi Berni Eddy |