
Golden Retriever

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High Times All Over Town UD MH AX AXJ WCX

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

High Times All Over Town UD MH AX AXJ WCX
High Times Running Back JH
MACH2 High Times Spider Besid'r MH WCX *** OD ADHF (OFA GR-EL8367F27-PI)
High Times Jamin Jack Straw MH
High Times Rollin Gold Lucy Liu JH
High Times Cattail Cruiser CDX, SH, OA, NAJ, RN WCX (OFA GR-EL7913F25-PI)
High Times Dixie Stampede
High Times Mighty Pike
Golden Loch Belvedere Bracken ** MH WCX OS (OFA GR-EL04046-PI)
Belvedere's Absolute MH WCX ** OD
Belvedere's Back to Basics
Sky-Lab Argus of Belvedere *** OS
Skylab Special Edition ***
Falcon Lake Golden Skywalker
Sky-Lab's Kate Kan-Do CD, WC
Sky-Lab Chip UD WCX
Terraqua's Skylab Sally Forth WCX
Skylab's Angel Cloudfeather
Sky-Lab Solitaire
Splashdown Sky-Lab Starfire
Barty's Golden Dancer ***
Sky Lab Sully
Splashdown Sky-Lab Syndicate ***
Sky-Lab Belvedere's Baby Doll *** OD
AFC Holway Barty OS
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Barrister
Eng. FT. CH. Holway Jollity
Int. CH. Holway Joker
Holway Joyful *** OD
Holway Barber
Sky-Lab Gandy Dancer WCX OD
Pacapooches Pretty Peaches
Pacapooches Bird Mugger
Pacapooches Plucky Pete ***
Flaminglory Belle's Image
Terraqua's Outward Bound WCX **
Amber Dutchess of York
Pacapooches Pollywog *** OD
Belvedere's Choralette *** MH WCX OD
Belvedere's Ring Of Fire MH
HRCH Holway Vodka MH *** OS
Holway Victoria Can WC CD
Holway Velvet
Holway Viking
NAHRA HR Scarlet O'Hara Of Belvedere *** OD
Ronakers Belvedere Firewater
Belvedere's Mysti Dawn
Belvedere's Musicmaker
High Times Rumor Has It CD MH WCX *** OD (OFA GR-EL0389-T)
High Times Ruby Tuesday JH WC
High Times Rollin With The Flo UD
HRCH High Times Texas Ranger MH (OFA GR-EL2812)
OTCH High Times Solar Orbit UDX5 JH MX MXJ WCX
High Times I've Got My Grip CD MH WCX **
High Times Stalking Wind CD OAJ AX
High Times SF's Badgersbrook SH WCX (OFA GR-EL03633-T)
High Times Stoney
High Times Heather Lily
High Times Miss Maureen
High Times Quetico (OFA GR-EL1141)
U-OCH HRCH High Times Orion Can. CDX MH UD WCX
High Times Run'n The Roost UD MH 47 WCX *** OS (OFA GR-EL3889M74-T)
OTCH Tanbark's Solar Eclipse UDX8 JH WC OBHF OS Can. CD
Tanbark's Sixty Six CDX
Tanbark's Punkin of Selfaire
Tanbark Tejas Tasmanian Devl OD
Tanbark's Fiesty Zack CD
Tanbark's Bristol Brandywine CDX TD
Tanbark's Eastern DC-Ten Jet CDX
Tanbarks Legacy of Taliesin CDX
OTCH Shoreland's Big Harry Deal ** OS
Angelic Honey Bear of Marina CD
Shoreland's Beau
Shorelands Brandy Wine
Tanbarks Frisbee Fetcher OD
Tanbark's Ante Up Calypso CD TD
OTCH Tanbarks Bristol Creme UDX OBHF
High Times Rollin Thunder UD MH WCX OD
High Times Bois Brule Wado *** MH
High Times Maggie's Glimmer
High Times Han Knox Ford
High Times Apache Kid CD MH WCX **
HRCH Kc's High Times Roll'n Gold CDX MH WCX *** OS
KC's Absolut Delight
Kc's Reflection Of Sparkle MH WCX ** OD
KC's Spirit Of Sparkle MH ***
KC Chances R Walk'n On Sunshine CD MH WCX ***
KC's Ready Willing And Able MH **
Kc's Willie Or Won't He SH
KC's Tasmanian Devil
High Times Class Act CDX WCX ** OD
Angelica's Trail Blazer

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