
Golden Retriever

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Anabell Ebellini

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Anabell Ebellini
Anouk Ebellini
Aristo Ebellini
Ch CZ, PL Azzante Ebellini "U"
Ch SK Alabaster Ebellini "U"
Aurita Ebellini
Ch CZ,Ch PL,Ch SK, GrCh CZ Buddy Godd Augury
MCH, CH CZ, SK, SLO, A, H, CZ GrCH, CZ Club CH Dewmist Sablefella Club winner
Swe Sh Ch Dewmist Sandpoint
Vice-WW'08, SU(U)CH SV-05 SV-06 Dewmist Sandarella
Dewmist Sarabande
Dewmist Sanserena
LUX Junior Champion Dewmist Sandalwood qualif.CRUFTS 06
Dewmist Sallandra
Dewmist Sandianna
Vice-WW'02, NUCH SU(u)CH NORDUCH FINUCH FINW-98 Rossmix Rugger (9 years)
JWW?03,Swe Sh Ch Dewmist Serenella
SV CH Dewmist Serenade
SE VCH SE U(U)CH Dewmist Serenata
Dts.Vdh. CH Dewmist Satellite Belgian Winner '03
Nord & Fin & Swe Sh & Norw Ch Dewmist Supersonic
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Dewmist Samsonite
Fleur the Best Gold
CH CZ + SK, JCH CZ Medalian Man Rescator Club winner 2000, 2001, 2002
Morning Rose Rescator
CH SK, VetCH CZ My Magician Rescator (14 years)
Medicine Man Rescator
Ambra The Best Gold
Britney The Best Gold
Barunka the Best Gold
Arica the Best Gold
CH CZ, CZ VCh Astrid The Best Gold (12.5 years)
Bria The Best Gold
Chwork CZ, vet.Ch CZ Beau Rose Prema Shanti Navaro ''U'' (10.5 years)
Beau Maxima Prema Shanti Navaro (5.5 years)
VCH PL, VCH SK, VCH CZ, CH CZ, CH SK, CH PL Deep Devotion Brdske zlato (National Winner) (10.5 years)
Deep Devotion Brdsk? zlato
Deep Delight Brdske Zlato U
CH CZ Deep Desire Brdske zlato (11 years)
Ronjalee Ragamuffin at Motlaisa JW (9 years)
Eng. SH. CH. Ronjalee Rag Trade JW
MCH DualCH Delibes's Golden Marian (13.5 years)
Delibes's Golden Madonna
Delibes's Golden Marilyn
Delibes's Golden Maxine
Delibes's Golden Manfred
Abby Galle Shanti Navaro (10.5 years)
Akim Shanti Navaro
?ron - Wrangler Shanti Navaro
Alex Shanti Navaro
Arwen Shanti Navaro
Artiom Shanti Navaro
Andy Shanti Navaro
Atrey Shanti Navaro
A - Bhakti Shanti Navaro
CH CZ JCH CZ Wrangler Misantos ''U''
Westa Misantos Club Junior winner
Wellington Misantos
Wizard Misantos
Wanderdog Misantos
Woodbyne Misantos
Wasabi Misantos
INTERCh, GRANDCh,ClubCh, JChCZ,ChCZ,ChD(VDH),ChSK Watterloo Misantos 5xNational Winner, Club Winner,BIS, 10x BOB (13 years)
Issu Misantos Artemis Gold
Isis Artemis Gold (2.5 years)
CZ CH Werra Misantos National Winner
Wendy Misantos
Athea Bismillahi
Ch CZ, Ch SK, GCh CZ Amor Bismillahi
Aimee Bismillahi
Archie Bismillahi
Arny Bismillahi
Ashley Bismillahi
Arwen Bismillahi
Angie Bismillahi
Bartolomeo de Bismillahi
Benjamin de Bismillahi
Benedikte de Bismillahi
Balanttine de Bismillahi
Bronwyn de Bismillahi
Bastien de Bismillahi

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