
Golden Retriever

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Costadoro She's A Rainbow CGC, TKI

A vertical pedigree lists the siblings of each dog in the pedigree. Siblings are found by searching for dogs in the database with the same parents. They may be from the same litter or from another breeding of the same parents. In most cases, this pedigree will be incomplete, as not all dogs have all their siblings entered in the database.

Vertical pedigree:

Costadoro She's A Rainbow CGC, TKI
Can CH Kyon's Rolling Stone Can OS (14 years)
Can. CH. Kyon's Hot To Trot OS (15 years)
Can CH Haydene Commador OS (14.5 years)
Haydene Carnival (10.5 years)
Haydene Carousel JW
Can. CH. Kyon's Born Free OD (17.5 years)
CanCH Kyon's High Riley
Can Ch Kyon's Full Tilt Boogie (11.5 years)
Kyon's River Watch Spring Tide CD
Can. CH. Dewmist Davenport Can/Am OS (15.5 years)
Dewmist Diamantina
Dewmist Dawnwatch
Dewmist Dakotah
Dewmist Daylander
Dewmist Dappledown
Dewmist Daleview
Dewmist Derringer
Kamlyn Hell On Wheels at Kyon (14 years)
Kamlyn Harlequin of Tashora (15 years)
Kamlyn Hunter Of Tashora
Smithaven's Fiesta at Costadoro
Smithaven's Party Girl
Smithaven's the Belle of the Ball
Smithaven's Shindig
Smithaven's Flower of the Luau
Smithaven's Life Of The Party BN RA JH WC
BISS GCH Highmark Already A Legend @ Kelston OS (13.5 years)
Highmark's Original Vagabond CGC, THD, TDI (12 years)
BISS GCH CAN CH Highmark's Sweet Sir Galahad CDX GO GN RE,MXP, AJP, JH WC VCX CCA CGC (12 years)
Highmark's Diamonds And Rust
Am.Ch. Highmark's Up Side of Anger OS (11.5 years)
Sonoma Monet
Sonoma Matisse
Highmark's Lark Ascending OD (14 years)
Highmark's May I Havethisdance
Smithaven's May Flower OD (9.5 years)
Smithaven Ambermist Home Brew CD BN RE NA NF NAP NJP NFP CA RATM CGC (13.5 years)
Smithaven Jenny Cream
Smithaven's Spring Hops
Smithaven's Pale Ale
Smithaven Maggie May
Smithaven's Brae Lea's May Promise
Smithaven's Brewhaha
Smithaven Oliver West Brew
Am. CH Timberline Highland Brew CD RN CGC CCA OS (15 years)
Timberline Witch's Brew CD
Timberline Rogue Runner Brew
AKC, Int'l ,Nat'l, UKC, CH Timberline Here's Look'N At Brew BVISS,RE, CGC, S-BSLA, S-BTA (10.5 years)
Timberline Storms A Brewin' (8.5 years)
Smithaven Dauninge's Mega Brew CCA (13 years)
Lady Samantha Du Lac
CH Dauninge Full Sail Tioga CD RA CGC TDI (12.5 years)
Dauninge Kyrie Fiona Fionnay (6 years)
Dauninge Brae Lea Matty's Brew
Dauninge Ali'is Mango T' Tango
BIS BISS Am GrCh/Can/UKC CH. PACH Dauninge's Maximus Auerus PAX MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX OFP SDHF PADHF (15.5 years)
Dauninge's On Tap at Bardstale CDX, RN, WC (12 years)

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